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Our thoughts and feelings are with those who fought for Cyprus independence

Statements by AKEL MP Α. Damianou:

1st October 2021

Today, our thoughts and feelings are with those who fought, sacrificed their lives and were wounded struggling for the freedom, independence, democracy and dignity of our people, AKEL MP Aristos Damianou pointed out.

In statements after the end of the annual military parade for the 61st anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Cyprus, Aristos Damianou said that today, as every other day, our eyes again turn to the occupied Pendadaktylos mountainous range to reiterate our commitment “to assert a solution that liberates and reunites our land and people”.

Today, he continued, we record experiences, engage in our self-criticism and look ahead, on a steadfast path seeking to assert a solution based on the agreed framework of a bicommunal, bizonal federation, as we have been committed to for decades with the international community.

Honor and glory to our heroes, all the very best to the Republic of Cyprus, Aristos Damianou concluded.


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