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Statement by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou on the election result


30th May 2021, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

I address all our compatriots, primarily the people of the Left that voted for us, but also those who didn’t vote for us in this election contest.

I have always spoken sincerely and that’s how I shall speak now as well. Citizens voted today. The result is not what we had expected. We respect this result and will study it thoroughly to draw conclusions. However, we can say from now that we have not been able to convince the people. Mainly we couldn’t convince that we aren’t all the same. We have before us the Party Congress. We have no intention of getting into an inward-looking process, but we shall use the Congress to conduct a productive dialogue to see how AKEL returns to the position it deserves. We continue to be concerned about the dangerous stalemate on the Cyprus problem, the dangerous rise in entanglement/interwoven interests and corruption that is assuming an institutional character, and in the anti-social policies being pursued.

However, regardless of the election result, we shall continue with the same consistency to defend everything that represents our ideological and party DNA: to defend the rights of working people, to resist the institutional corruption which is the trademark of the Anastasiades-DISY government and to serve with a focus on the goal of resolving the Cyprus problem.

AKEL remains the main force in the spectrum of the opposition. We therefore have a duty, towards our history and citizens, to work for a Parliament with a pro-social content. We have an obligation to work for a progressive change in the governance of the country.

Replies to journalist’s questions:

The Party leadership has learned to take on its responsibilities. The Party leadership has learned to assume its responsibilities collectively. As far as I am concerned, I can assure you that I will definitely take my share of responsibilities. We shall discuss everything from tomorrow in our time.

The Party Congress will convene very soon.

It is obvious that we have a problem. We shall analyze it at the Congress and shall seek to ascertain all the reasons why.

I don’t think the government isolated from all the political parties has recorded percentages that will enable it to declare that it has convinced Cypriot society with its policies. From there onwards, yes, there is a problem and we must analyse the reasons why we didn’t manage to convince the people.

We estimate that there is a serious possibility that the loss of seats will be limited to just one.

The plans for the Presidential elections will commence because there is a need for this government to go. We haven’t done any planning whatsoever so far.

The Government has also lost percentages and is isolated from the other parties. If it doesn’t understand that it needs to work consensually it will have a problem.



AKEL’s message to the 1st Regular Congress of the Turkish Cypriot party “Left Movement” (SOL Hareket)


The second time AKEL has lost ground in elections is the subject of deep reflection