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The dangers Cyprus is facing are the result of 3 whole years of regressions and contradictions that facilitated Turkish plans


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson, Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 17th November 2020, Nicosia

The UN Secretary-General, via his representative, reiterated yesterday that the International Organization’s position on Varosha remains unchanged and is guided by the relevant Resolutions of the UN Security Council, while calling for unilateral actions to be avoided.

Of course, we would have liked a tougher stance, but at least the UN is showing the way to deal effectively with Turkey’s machinations, which is nothing other than the resumption of the negotiation procedure.

For three and a half years now, AKEL has been stressing daily and emphatically that the only way to prevent Turkey’s plans in Varosha and the Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone is the resumption of the talks within the agreed framework and on the agreed basis, as the Resolutions of the UN Severity Council themselves point out.

This is the way to stop the attempt by Erdogan and Tatar to bring the two-state solution to the negotiating table. The concerns that are now being expressed by government officials with regards the dangers Cyprus is facing are the result of 3 whole years of regressions and contradictions that have facilitated the Turkish plans.

Today, however, what should come first is the Greek Cypriot side not only to declare, but to convince that it itself is unwaveringly committed and consistent to its commitment to a solution of bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality as described by the United Nations. What should take precedence is the Greek Cypriot side not only to declare, but to convince it is ready for the resumption of negotiations, as the Secretary General of the United Nations state.





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