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AKEL on the anniversary of the second phase of the Turkish invasion


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 13th August 2020, Nicosia

The black anniversary of the second phase of the Turkish invasion on 14th August 1974 recalls the completion of the de facto partition of Cyprus with the occupation of 37% of its territory by the Turkish army. Turkey, having provoked the collapse of the Geneva Conference in 1974, continued to advance its troops exploiting the treacherous betrayal committed by the Greek junta and EOKA B, the disorganization of the National Guard and the full cover provided by NATO, the US and of the architect of the conspiracy itself, Henry Kissinger. The NATO crime that was triggered by the execution of the fascist coup d’état of 15th July 1974 and the Turkish invasion of 20th July 1974, was completed with the bloody massacre and uprooting of our people, the violent separation of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

AKEL sends a message of support to the refugees, the enclaved people in the occupied areas, the war-stricken wounded and disabled, the relatives of the fallen and the missing persons. We honor the sacrifice made by the hundreds of sons of our people who gave their lives defending our homeland and freedom against the invaders, in the betrayed and unequal battle of 1974.

Unlike the heroes of Cyprus, the perpetrators of the tragedy – the Greek junta and EOKA B – not only did not resist Turkey’s invading army who they themselves brought to Cyprus as a result of their own actions, but they committed massacres of Turkish Cypriot women and children and prisoners. Their betrayal was also accompanied by the surrender of the city of Famagusta, which they abandoned to the Turkish army even though it was not in Turkey’s plans. A few days later they committed another crime. The coupists spread non-existent false news and called on the inhabitants of Famagusta to return to the city, thus leading hundreds of them to fall into the hands of the Turkish Attila army, many of whom were subsequently murdered in the orchards of Pertzena.

The dreadful anniversary finds our homeland facing an escalating aggression on the part of Turkey which is threatening almost all the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. The Cyprus problem is in a three-year deadlock, which the occupying power is exploiting to consolidate the occupation and continue the colonalisation (of the occupied territories) and assimilation of the Turkish Cypriot community. The city of Famagusta is facing a new crime being committed. The plans drawn up by Turkey and the illegal Tatar/Ozersay “government” (in the occupied areas) to open and colonalise the enclosed city of Famagusta will be the final nail in the coffin for the city, but also for the very prospect of the solution of the Cyprus problem and reunification.

AKEL points out that only a solution of the Cyprus problem that will liberate and reunite on the basis of bi-communal, bi-communal federation with political equality, as described in the relevant UN resolutions, can pave the way for the vindication of our homeland, for lasting peace and security.



Event to pay tribute to Yiorgos Politechnis from Lefkoniko Statement by AKEL Famagusta District Party Organisation


AKEL express deep concern about Turkey’s machinations to colonalise Famagusta