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43 years since his death – In memory of the first President of the Republic of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 3rd August 2020, Nicosia

August 3rd marks the 43rd anniversary of the death of the first President of the Republic of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios. Makarios was and remains the most emblematic figure in Cyprus’ modern history with a prestige that went far beyond our country’s borders.

Makarios became the leader of the anti-colonial struggle. As the political leader of EOKA, he did not hesitate to condemn the ultra-right terror unleashed against the Left. He became the figure of independent Cyprus throughout the whole world. He refused Cyprus’ attachment to the NATO war machine and connected our country with the struggling peoples of the world, from whom Cyprus found real and consistent support. He became the living symbol of the democratic resistance to the Greek junta and EOKA B fascism. He was the target of assassination attempts, foreign-engineered conspiracies and finally a coup d’état because he resisted the plans that sought the partition of Cyprus. He united almost all the people, from the Left to the democratic Right, around the policy of defending a united and independent Cyprus. He was the leader who after 1974 chose to pursue a compromise with the Turkish Cypriots, assuming the weight of the historic decision to accept the solution of federation to the Cyprus problem.

AKEL does not ignore that Makarios committed a mistake by crediting the junta fascists with minimal patriotism and underestimating the possibility of a coup. But no one can equate Makarios with the betrayal committed by Grivas and his followers. Makarios was the leader elected by the people, not a pawn of foreign centres, nor the leader of an armed fascist gang.

Makarios was the shield of our people and our people shielded Makarios. The very same people who even in the autumn of 1974 – that is, when our people were living in makeshift tents and burying their dead – demonstrated in the streets demanding the return of Makarios to Cyprus and to the Presidency of the state. It is no coincidence that Makarios is the only political figure in Cyprus to whom the people themselves awarded the title of national leader.

AKEL honors the memory of Archbishop Makarios by continuing the struggle for the defence of democracy and the historical truth in our country. AKEL will continue the struggle for the vindication of Cyprus and its people so that our country will not become a NATO bridgehead; the struggle for independence, freedom and democracy.


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