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Sanctions are a tool and a means – not an end in itself


Statement by AKEL Political Bureau member Aristos Damianou

Our steadfast and final goal we must focus on is the solution of the Cyprus problem

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 18th July 2020, Nicosia

It is clear that the European Council continues on the logic of once again referring the question of sanctions against Turkey to the future. Unfortunately, Turkey is escalating its aggressive and provocative actions and we appear to be unable to expose it. The Anastasiades-DISY government, in contrast to the illusions it was cultivating among the people, hasn’t managed to convince the international community to take a clear stand in favor of Cyprus and its rights. At the same time, the prospect of a solution is becoming increasingly distant.

The government ruling forces must at long last put aside the big empty talk. They must abandon their dead-end policy and make use of the prescribed EU-Turkey dialogue. Instead of inaction that is convenient for Turkey and gives an excuse to a section of the international community to pursue a policy of equal distancing and skillful neutrality, Mr. Anastasiades must convince the international community of his readiness for dialogue from the point where the negotiations had remained for three years.

Sanctions, as has been rightly said, are a tool and a means and not an end in itself. Without ignoring the obstacles and difficulties, due to Turkey’s unacceptable stance, our steadfast and final goal which we must focus is the solution of the Cyprus problem. A solution that will liberate and reunite our country and people within the framework of a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation, based on UN resolutions, international law and what has been agreed between the two communities.


Speech by General Secretary of AKEL A. Kyprianou at the commemorative event to denounce the anniversaries of the fascist coup d’état and Turkish invasion


AKEL declaration on the anniversary of the Turkish invasion