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Statement by AKEL Nicosia-Kyrenia Secretary Christos Christofides on Anastasiades interview to “Kathimerini”

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 5 July 2020, Nicosia

During today’s interview given by Mr. Anastasiades to “Kathimerini” newspaper, some very important issues arose.

The admission that the United Nations has a very different reading of the events that marked the course of the Cyprus problem must be a cause of reflection and concern to us all. If, as Mr. Anastasiades claims, the United Nations are leaking or presenting a completely different narrative than his own, two things may happen: either the United Nations is telling the truth and consequently our handlings (on the Cyprus problem) have either been to say the least misguided, or the United Nations despite Turkey’s provocative actions and intransigence are providing cover to Turkey, something that must be a source of reflection about the effectiveness of the government’s handling in pointing out and convincing about what Mr. Anastasiades considers happened.

We point out that up until very recently everyone here in Cyprus was expressing full respect towards the UN Secretary General Mr. Guterres, whom some forces and circles were calling “wise” and completely honest, especially after the position he expressed for the need to create a “normal state” in Cyprus. The UN Secretary-General has been present in all the critical phases of the Cyprus problem in recent years. How is it possible for him to suddenly “leak” lies with ulterior motives?

We are also concerned about Anastasiades’ admissions about the ineffectiveness and reluctance of the European Union to confront Turkey’s provocative actions. AKEL recalls that despite the fact that Turkey is roaming unhindered in our Exclusive Economic Zone, the EU has imposed sanctions on two Turkish Petroleum Corporations TPAO employees, avoiding the adoption of any other measure. The United Nations has not even addressed the issue. Anastasiades’ findings must be drawn from assessments based at long last on deeds and practical actions, because evidently our foreign policy is no longer yielding the expected results and does not succeed in protecting our homeland, our people and sovereign rights.

Mr. Anastasiades has once again chosen to attack the Auditor General. In fact, he is leaving open the possibility for other options too, something which constitutes a direct threat to the institution of the Auditor General. We recall that the Anastasiades-DISY government has clashed directly with all the institutions of the state, destroying institutionally all those who disagreed with it. We recall the following: the Anastasiades-DISY government dismissed the Chief and the Deputy Chief of Police, forced the Governor of the Central Bank to resign, and attacked the new Governor of the Central Bank. It also clashed head-on with the Attorney General and forced him to exclaim “Shame on you!” Even when the Attorney General was leaving, they tried to expose him in an unacceptable way. They are now targeting and threatening the Auditor General. We consider these behaviours as representing a danger to the democratic functioning of the State. Independent officials are an important institution for the smooth operation of democracy, and respect, even if we have different views, is necessary.


Statement by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou after meeting a delegation from ‘Left Wing’


The EU’s priority must be the solution of the Cyprus problem based on principles