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Joint statement of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot parties and organizations – “Cooperation for the day after the pandemic”



Results Are Never InstantAs far as the reopening of the checkpoints is concerned, cooperation becomes particularly imperative in the making of a joint decision on preventive health controls and on the decision of the earliest appropriate date. The ongoing lifting of the restrictive measures in phases on both sides, facilitates the adoption of an appropriate decision.

By benefiting from the advice of scientists, and in particular the Bi-communal Technical Committee on Health issues, the procedure that will ensure safe crossing must be agreed upon at the earliest. At the same time, joint efforts aimed at the prevention of any further likelihood of an outbreak of coronavirus across the island must be strengthened. To achieve this goal, our parties stand ready to contribute by providing specific proposals.

Following a thoroughly effective management of the coronavirus pandemic and the election of the Turkish Cypriot Leader in October, we firmly believe that the two sides must resume sincere dialogue aimed at the resumption of result oriented negotiations for the comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem.

This goal is reachable provided that the procedure is based on the convergences reached by the two sides, the Joint Declaration of the two leaders and the Guterres Framework, as outlined on the UN statement following the informal meeting in Berlin on the 25th of November 2019. The ultimate goal must be to reach to a strategic political agreement on a bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution with political equality, in full line with all related UN resolutions and parameters.

Our parties and organizations remain committed to support such efforts focused on the resumption of negotiations, followed by the provision of objective information on the contents of the agreement together with all its associated benefits. Within this framework, we shall work to strengthen our cooperation, mutual understanding and rapprochement of the two communities at all levels.


Co-signing Parties/Organizations:

AKEL – Progressive Party of the Working People

CTP – Republican Turkish Party

TDP – Social Democratic Party

BKP – United Cyprus Party

YKP – New Cyprus Party

Ergatiki Dimokratia – Workers’ Democracy

Sol Hareket – Left Movement

Aristeri Pteryga – Left Wing

OPEK – Association for Social Reform




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