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Joint Statement of AKEL and the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) – “Cooperation and Solidarity for Health”


AKEL together with the Turkish Cypriot Republican Turkish Party (CTP) have issued a joint statement entitled “Cooperation and Solidarity for Health” on the current developments with regards the pandemic and the necessary cooperation that the two communities must show in confronting it.. The content of the Joint Declaration is as follows:

11 MAY 2020
Results Are Never Instant (6)In the context of the current developments surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, our parties call on Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots to strengthen their existing joint cooperation and solidarity at all levels in order to address all related challenges.
First of all, we express the importance of our solidarity with people working in the health sector, ranging from one end of Cyprus to the other, who are waging a difficult battle against the pandemic. At the same time, we appreciate the patient and responsible behavior demonstrated by all Cypriots, with regards to the observance of the restrictive measures which must be followed for the effective containment of the pandemic.
It is a fact that every day we are confronted by numerous issues that are associated with the ongoing restrictive measures in both communities. We appreciate all efforts aimed at the resolution of these issues, in particular the work of the Bi-communal Technical Committee on Health. Furthermore, we believe that this cooperation must be strengthened whereby long-term and sustainable mechanisms of cooperation are established, primarily on matters concerning the interest of public health across the island.
We believe that joint tackling of issues concerning both communities throughout the period ahead when current restrictions will be gradually lifted, must also be examined thoroughly. These issues concern work, movement across both sides of the green line and health checks, as well as the exchange of medical information, medicines and medical equipment. Furthermore, during the closure of the checkpoints, solutions for the Turkish Cypriot workers and pupils enabling them to go back to their jobs and schools respectively must be found without further delay.
Within this framework, we firmly believe that all checkpoints must be opened and that crossings from both sides allowed, as soon as conditions so permit. Of course, for crossings to resume, strict health control must be ensured to prevent any likelihood of the spread of the virus.
Our parties commit themselves to work for the elaboration of more specific proposals on all above issues during the period ahead.
The fate of all Cypriots is common. Cooperation and solidarity are the only ways to tackle and solve all outstanding challenges. It is through our joint commitment that we lay such foundations necessary for the future United Federal Cyprus.

The President of the European Commission and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy replies to the letters of the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL


A positive atmosphere should be created until negotiations resume