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We denounce Turkey’s new illegal actions

Statement by AKEL Press Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 21st April 2020, Nicosia

Turkey, continuing its confrontational path with international law, is once again violating the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, with the descent of the Turkish vessel “Yavuz” into the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus and its threats to carry out drilling.

We denounce Turkey’s new illegal actions, which are already taking place in the midst of a pandemic that demand cooperation between all states. Instead of cooperating, Turkey continues to provoke as if nothing is happening. We call on the international community to react to Turkey’s new provocative actions, which are provoking new tensions and problems in the region.

Turkey’s new provocative actions recall the problem of the illegal occupation of a large part of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus by it. At the same time, these provocative actions highlight the indisputable fact that without a solution of the Cyprus problem, we will constantly find Turkey facing and threatening us.

AKEL stresses the vital need to achieve a solution that will liberate and reunite our country and the people within the framework of a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation with political equality, as described in the relevant UN resolutions.

AKEL will continue the struggle for this solution until the final vindication of our people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.


The President is provoking the historical memory and consciousness of our people


Turkey's actions in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus are illegal, reprehensible and unacceptable