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Turkey’s drone base in the occupied areas a new provocative action against our homeland and people


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on the establishment of a Turkish drones base in the occupied village of Lefkoniko

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 16th December 2019, Nicosia

Turkey’s creation of a drone base of unmanned aircraft in the occupied village of Lefkoniκο constitutes a new provocative action against our homeland and people on the part of the occupying power and the illegal regime. It is yet another act of undermining peace, security and stability in the wider region.

The militarization being promoted by Turkey in the occupied part of our country and throughout the Eastern Mediterranean is part of the Erdogan government’s overall plans, aggression and provocative actions, which are directed against Cyprus and its sovereign rights, but also against their sovereign rights of the peoples of the region.

This new development reminds us that the occupational and partitionist status quo does not remain stationary, but is sliding daily into a new phase with increased dangers for our country and people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. It also underlines why Turkey must leave Cyprus – its troops, guarantees and intervention rights – something that can only be achieved with a solution of the Cyprus problem based on principles, the agreed basis and framework. A solution that will liberate and reunite our country, freeing it from foreign “guardians”, armies and barbed wires of division.


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