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AKEL declaration on the anniversary of the Turkish invasion

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 19 July 2019, Nicosia

On the occasion of the 45th black anniversary of the Turkish invasion, AKEL sends out to the whole Cypriot people a message of struggle, unity and resistance against the occupation and partition.

The Turkish invasion of 20th July 1974 was the planned continuation of the betrayal committed by the fascist coup d’état of 15th July 1974. Turkey, taking the baton from the Greek Junta and EOKA B, executed the second part of NATO’s plan for the division of our homeland and people. The Turkish army of Attila, that massacred Cyprus, was invited by fascism and sent by imperialism.

The invading army committed atrocities, murders, rapes, held people in captivity, engaged in looting and uprooted the Greek Cypriots. During that summer of 1974, Turkey occupied 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus and completed by the force of arms the separation of the two communities which began in 1963. Turkey subsequently installed the formation of the pseudo-state and systematically implemented the policy of the assimilation of the Turkish Cypriots and occupied territories through the policy of colonization, economic and cultural incorporation and the suppression of the progressive forces of the Turkish Cypriot community.

AKEL pays tribute, expresses its honor and glory to the fallen of 1974 and to the fighters who defended our homeland in an unequal and betrayed battle, to the thousands of brave sons of our people who found themselves in the front line of battle and who resisted the invaders, shed their blood and sacrificed their lives. History, on the contrary, does not forget that when Turkey invaded Cyprus, the Greek junta forces tried to prevent our people’s resistance to the invaders, and the local coupists of EOKA B continued the persecution of the Left and supporters of Makarios, while also carrying out massacres of Turkish Cypriot civilians.

We express our sympathy towards the war-stricken and suffering people of 1974, to the enclaved people in the occupied areas and to the refuges.

We are on the side of the relatives of the missing persons. AKEL will continue to work both inside and outside Cyprus on the issue of the missing persons, which is one of the most dramatic aspects of the Cyprus tragedy.

The 45th black anniversary of the invasion finds Cyprus divided, semi-occupied and one of the most militarized parts of the world. At the same time, our homeland is subject to a new outburst of aggressiveness by Turkey, this time at sea. Unfortunately, Turkey’s provocative actions in the Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone isn’t facing the international community’s required response, whereas in relation to the Cyprus problem, the occupying power appears as having been relieved of any responsibilities. At the same time, the Turkish Cypriot community is subject to the policy of assimilation and extinction of its identity, with the visible additional danger of forces with positions in favour of partition assuming its leadership. In addition, every passing day consolidates the division on the ground, but also in the consciousness of the two communities, while the status quo feeds and reproduces nationalism-chauvinism. This state of affairs is dangerous for the cause of the Cyprus problem, for Cyprus and its security, for the Cypriot people and its future.

AKEL points out that the way to halt Turkish aggression, to breach the deadlock, the dead-end and prolonged absence of negotiations and to reverse the path to definitive partition, is for substantive talks to resume from the point where they had remained at Crans Montana on the basis of the Framework of the UN Secretary-General; talks in which our side must be present with a will and a clear commitment to bizonal-bicommunal federation and the agreed framework of the solution. This is the only way the path can be opened, provided of course the Turkish side consents to a solution of the Cyprus problem based on principles.

AKEL declares in every direction that, no matter how many difficulties and disappointments there may be, it will not flirt with “other solutions” and “new ideas”.

It will not give up the struggle for liberation and reunification.

It will never compromise with the occupation and partition or show any tolerance to fascism and chauvinism on either side of the barbed wire of division.

We call on the Cypriot people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, to continue the common struggle for the common homeland. For a free, united, independent, sovereign and demilitarized Cyprus for all its children.

This is also our duty to the heroes of 1974; to the History and the future of our Homeland.


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