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Statement by the General Secretary of AKEL A.Kyprianou meeting a delegation from the All-Zodeia Movement

AKEL on the latest developments surrounding the Cyprus problem

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 4 February 2019, Nicosia

We had a really meaningful discussion with the delegation from the All-Zodeia Movement (Note: refugees from Zodeia village in the occupied territories).

On our part, we pointed our views on the latest developments surrounding the Cyprus problem and of course we have given our own interpretation of various issues that are evolving. We too believe that the resumption of the negotiations must be sought as soon as possible. We have all agreed since 1974 that the only way to solve the Cyprus problem is through negotiations. There is no other way. In order to solve it, it is therefore necessary first and foremost for negotiations to begin and the necessary political will to be demonstrated so as to negotiate with sincerity according to the agreed basis.

We insist that the solution must also liberate us from the occupation and the right of anyone to interfere in our internal affairs. For that reason we cannot accept any guarantors or intervention rights. Furthermore, the solution must be workable so as to be able to withstand the difficulties it will encounter in the process of its implementation.

I want you and our guests to permit me to comment on some of the views that are being expressed lately.

First and foremost, as regards the appeal issued by the governing Democratic Rally party for Unity. AKEL has proven in practice that it is a responsible and patriotic party and that it is genuinely interested in forging unity on the domestic front in order to be able to handle developments more effectively. This unity, however, must be forged on a concrete basis, and this basis is the relevant UN resolutions, the High-Level Agreements and the long-standing decisions of the National Council. AKEL cannot retreat from these positions for the sake of some misconceived notion about unity on the domestic front.

The second thing I want to say is that AKEL denounces in the strongest possible terms the fact that Turkey is provocatively proceeding to explorations into the plots that have been licensed by the Republic of Cyprus. This Turkish behavior is unacceptable.

At the same time, however, I will once again ask the President of the Republic and the Foreign Minister: they have been repeatedly telling us that they have shielded the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and that there is no cause for concern. How do they respond to this Turkish provocation? I am not suggesting that they must react in a military manner. The Foreign Minister and the Government spokesman tell us – and I heard him just this morning – that all the necessary actions are being taking, as well as the necessary reactions on the part of the government. What are the results of these reactions? We observe the Turkish seismic survey vessel “Barbaros” moving in the licensed plots and no one whatsoever from the international community is reacting. All of these developments concern us.

We have seen today’s statement by Mr. Anastasiades that he is ready to go to a dialogue now. This statement is positive, but it must also be convincing. He has to convince the UN Secretary General’s envoy on Cyprus Mrs. Lute of what he is telling her face-to-face and to consequently convince the UN Secretary-General that that’s indeed how things stand; that we are genuinely ready for a resumption of substantive negotiations with a view to reaching an agreement on the Cyprus problem as soon as possible.

Journalist’s question: Of course, one could argue that during periods of inactivity on the Cyprus problem many things have taken place, for many years, including the proclamation of the illegal pseudo-state in 1983. Perhaps the resumption of the talks as soon as possible would expose Turkey because of its actions and check in its stand at the negotiating table?

AK: I will add the following to your question.

Always when there has been a protracted stalemate, the first thing that occurs is disappointment is spread among the people because the people believe that the Cyprus problem can’t be solved. This is the worst thing that can happen, namely that we too believe that our homeland cannot be reunified, and this is extremely dangerous.

Secondly, fait accompli are provoked. You have mentioned one example. The recent example is the provocative behavior of “Barbaros”. There is one way to deal with it and that’s by reaffirming our will in a convincing way every day that we are ready for a resumption of negotiations.

I want to remind you that when Turkey threatened to send the seismic vessel back in 2011 to do research into our own EEZ and Demetris Christofias was the President of the Republic, the international community did react to it and the Turkish Seismic vessel did not manage to even get out of its harbor in Turkey. Why did this happen? Because back then we were reaffirming our determination to resume negotiations for a discussion of the Cyprus problem and they (the international community) felt that there was the necessary political will on our part and it was the other side that bore the burden of responsibilities.


With the occupation and partition deepening every day, the only way out today is through the resumption of talks on a correct basis


The President of the Republic must convene the National Council