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Despite the Government’s claims that its actions have shielded the Cypriot EEZ there hasn’t been even a verbal expression of support of our sovereign rights by anyone

Statements by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 29 January 2019, Nicosia

We are following with great concern developments in the Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the escalation of Turkey’s violations in an attempt to impose fait accompli. The conduct of explorations by the Turkish vessel “Barbaros” within the Cypriot EEZ and a maritime block which has been given to a foreign company within the framework of the licensing rounds of the Cypriot energy program, a few nautical miles from Limassol, constitutes a flagrant violation of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus. Regrettably, 24 hours later, neither the Government, nor anyone in the international community has still not reacted and denounced Turkey’s behaviour.

In recent months, both the President of the Republic and the Foreign Minister were repeatedly stressing that their own actions have protected the EEZ of the Republic of Cyprus. They were implying that Turkey wouldn’t dare take such an action and that even if Turkey dared do so, Cyprus’ partners, hinting at the US, and trilateral cooperations, would stop it. We wonder, what actions have the President and the Foreign Minister taken so far?

  1. Have they raised the matter before the United Nations Security Council, which is currently discussing the resolution for the renewal of the UN Peacekeeping Force? What was its reply?
  2. Have they called for a strong response from Cyprus’ EU partners, allies in the tripartite cooperation and the US, in a way that would convey clear messages to Ankara that if it continues its unlawful actions it will have a political and diplomatic cost? What was their reply? Cyprus hasn’t seen even a verbal expression of support of our sovereign rights by anyone.
  3. Or has the Government perhaps not proceeded so far to make any representation?

I repeat that for months they were assuring us that the Government’s actions have shielded the Cypriot EEZ. What have they to say to us now?


The President must very clearly, without any ambiguities, provide an answer on the issue of the framework of the solution and that he is not discussing anything but Bizonal, Bi-communal Federation


The Group of the Left in the European Parliament denounces Turkey's illegal actions in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus