Home  |  News>Cyprus Problem   |  The proposal for a renewal of the mandate of UNFICYP does not allow for any complacency – on the contrary, it demands an intensification of the efforts for a resumption of the negotiations

The proposal for a renewal of the mandate of UNFICYP does not allow for any complacency – on the contrary, it demands an intensification of the efforts for a resumption of the negotiations

Statement by Aristos Damianou, member of the Political Bureau of C.C. of AKEL on the Draft Resolution for the renewal of the UNFICYP mandate

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 12 January 2019, Nicosia

In the Draft Resolution for the renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) that was given to the members of the United Nations Security Council, the following key references are made:

  1. The prospects for an overall solution of the Cyprus problem in the foreseeable future remain alive.
  2. To achieve an overall solution, the parties must agree on a common path forward.
  3. Support for endless and ineffective processes has ended. The status quo is no longer stable.
  4. There is a growing tendency of a lack of trust between the parties and it is the leaders’ responsibility to stop it.
  5. The opening of two checkpoints is welcomed and regret is expressed because the implementation of additional Confidence Building Measures that were agreed has not proceeded.
  6. The full implementation of the Green Line Regulation is called for.
  7. On the issue of the Missing Persons, the importance of providing financial support to the Committee of Missing Persons and information by securing access to military and police archives is stressed.
  8. As far as the issue of Natural Gas is concerned, it is pointed out that it is a source of low tension with the danger of more tension developing. At the same time, it is noted that the natural resources belong to both communities.
  9. A proposal is made for the renewal of the UNFICYP’s mandate for another six months.


From the reading of the Draft resolution the following main conclusions are drawn:

  1. The UN Secretary-General’s report is low-key a development that was anticipated, bearing in mind that the effort to continue the negotiations is underway.
  2. It is positive that the UN Secretary-General is proposing the renewal of the mandate of the Peacekeeping Force. This gives time for a continuation of the efforts for a resumption of the negotiations.
  3. It is evident that the Secretary General expects from the two sides that they should agree on the terms of reference to pave the way for the continuation of the negotiations. This is the duty of the parties and that’s precisely what they must focus on.
  4. A comprehensive solution cannot be reached without negotiations. The real intentions, willingness and positions of each party involved are always judged at the negotiating table.
  5. The proposal for the renewal of UNFICYP’s mandate does not allow for complacency. On the contrary, it demands an intensification of the effort – always on the basis of the agreed framework – for the resumption of negotiations. This is what Nicos Anastasiades must do.

Those claiming that they want a solution to the Cyprus problem should focus on the effort to resume negotiations instead of making inflammatory statements


AKEL will not be an accomplice to Mr. Anastasiades’ passive, to say the least, stand which is leading to partition