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Address of the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL to the 3rd Annual Conference “The Left and the Cyprus problem”



AKEL C.C. Press Office, 2 June 2018, Nicosia

left cprI would like to salute the 3rd Annual Conference “The Left and the Cyprus problem” and congratulate the organizers. This Conference has become a custom that is useful in our times. Reflections and thoughts in the spectrum of the Left, at this crucial time for humanity, are both useful and imperative. Your Conference contributes towards this end.

We live in a changing world. However its changes are founded on the same unfortunate essence: the existence and perpetuation of the system of human exploitation. To be precise, we are talking about the acute exploitation by an ever-shrinking oligarchic group of the vast majority of our world’s inhabitants, whether they live in Africa, Asia, Latin America, or Australia, Europe, and North America. It is no coincidence that 1% of the world’s population own 82% of its total wealth in 2017. This in itself says and demonstrates a great deal.

For sure this isn’t just what characterizes today’s world. We are witnessing the ongoing economic crisis which is an inherent characteristic of capitalism. The cost of this crisis as usual is being shifted on to the backs of the broader masses of the working people. This is occurring at the same time as preconditions are created to maximize enormous profits with additional increases in capital investment in military-industrial complexes, as well as through the launching of wars to serve the geostrategic interests of capitalist forces.

I tried, in a nutshell and in very general and concise terms, to outline today’s volatile international situation. As much as we don’t want it, as much as some are ignoring it, this international situation influences in one way or another, indirectly, but also directly, the changing developments in our own Cypriot microcosm as well.

Before proceeding any further, I would like to thank the organizers for the invitation to address your Conference and set out key and long-standing positions and policies of AKEL, especially in relation to the Cyprus problem. I shall do so also in combination with the current developments, which in one way or another influence and affect both the developments, as well as the course of the Cyprus problem.

Dialogue among the broader Left and beyond, but also with the whole of society and active citizens, interests us as a political party. No one holds the absolute truth. It is only through dialogue that positions, attitudes and approaches on political, economic, social and other issues can be understood, which afflict the broader masses of the people. Indeed, the prospect of achieving creative synthesis is valid and desirable, always beneficial to the people.

No matter how much we discuss global developments, geostrategic interests, developments surrounding energy issues and the role that Cyprus can play in the international chessboard, security and any prospect to promote the well-intentioned interests of our people – Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots – cannot be achieved as long as the Cyprus problem remains unresolved, as long as the occupation and division continue.

AKEL’s primary objective remains the reunification of our homeland and people in conditions of security, cooperation and mutual trust. This can be achieved by transforming the Republic of Cyprus into a united state with a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship in which the two communities will participate on the basis of political equality as defined in the relevant UN resolutions.

Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots can only achieve this solution through negotiations held under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General. That’s precisely where they have to agree on the content of the solution. To achieve this, they should make use of both the acquis of the talks, as well as the Guterres framework and the informal document on the mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the solution.

Soon, a year will have gone by since the collapse of the negotiation procedure at Crans Montana. Unfortunately we don’t so far now when the procedure will resume. At the same time, on both sides of the barbed wire of division, the voices seeking to preserve the separation are growing louder, cultivating fanaticism, hatred and intolerance. At the same time, the idea of ​​perpetuating the de facto situation, or of two separate states, is being promoted more and more clearly.

AKEL cannot compromise with such or/and other similar positions, nor with the continuation of the protracted deadlock. That is why we are making every effort in every direction to create the preconditions not only for the resumption of the negotiations, but also for the creation of a perspective for their speedy conclusion within the framework of a mutually acceptable solution.

However, it should be understood that as much as we are trying, unless the necessary political will is demonstrated by the two leaders, the resumption of the talks is an extremely difficult matter. To achieve this, the effort must remain far from any communication games serving expediencies and the setting of whatever opening preconditions and conditions.

We consider that the perpetuation of the existing situation only serves those forces and circles who are flirting with the non-solution of the Cyprus problem. This harbors extremely serious dangers for diverting the Cyprus problem from the UN framework with negative consequences for our people as a whole. The protracted stalemate makes it easier for Turkey the occupying power to exert increasing pressure on the Turkish Cypriot community for a change of course in relation to the Cyprus problem. At the same time, Turkey is attempting to alter its character and assimilate the Turkish Cypriot community.

We are following at the same time with concern the developments evolving in our neighborhood. War, catastrophes, the dead, the destruction of entire countries are all on the agenda. We are worried because when your neighbor’s house is burning, your turn will come. Those forces and circles within the Greek Cypriot side who think that our lives will continue to go on unaffected, as today, are deluded. The continuing impasse and the end of any prospect of resuming the dialogue will bring a lot of suffering. There will be a gradual downward slide of the Cyprus problem and we will be getting closer to the final partition. This will not be the end of the road, but regrettably the starting point for new, more painful adventures for Cyprus and our people.

It is therefore the imperative duty of every patriot, of every Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot, regardless of political or ideological beliefs, to work to break the deadlock; to help put pressure on the two leaders to rise to the occasion for a resumption of substantive negotiations with a view to reaching a solution as soon as possible.

The Cypriot Left and AKEL were always in the frontline of this struggle and that’s what they will do today as well.

I wish you all the best in the deliberations of your Conference.


Speech of the General Secretary of AKEL Andros Kyprianou at the event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the 1948 Miner’s strike


The President must clarify that he will proceed as the UN Secretary-General proposes on the Cyprus problem