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AKEL warns that the cheap rhetoric and prevailing atmosphere cultivated by some for the imposition of measures that will be raising the wall of partition are damaging and must stop

Statement by Aristos Damianou, AKEL Political Bureau member

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 24th February 2018, Nicosia

Turkey is brutally violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus since 1974. Turkey’s recent unlawful actions in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus should have been timely and resolutely dealt with by the international community, whilst the Anastasiades government should also have acted promptly and preventively, something which it regrettably didn’t do.

Yesterday’s statements by European Council president Tusk are a move in the right direction, despite the fact that they were confined to stating the elementary. The priority remains the de-escalation of the tension, the continuation of the energy planning of the Republic of Cyprus, but also the creation of the preconditions for a resumption of the dialogue.

AKEL warns that the cheap rhetoric and prevailing atmosphere being cultivated by certain forces and circles for the imposition of measures that will be raising the wall of partition are damaging and must stop. It is one thing to deal with the Turkish provocation with political and diplomatic means, and it is another thing to adopt measures that will consolidate partition and suit Turkey.


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