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Government’s clear attempt is to spread confusion about what actually happened in Mont Peleran

Toumazos Tselepis statements to ASTRA radio station

2nd February 2018

Talking to ASTRA radio station in the morning the member of the Political Bureau of AKEL and Head of the Cyprus Problem Office of AKEL Toumazos Tselepis stressed the clear attempt on the part of the government to spread confusion about what actually happened in Mont Peleran, but also on the part of specific sections of the mass media.

He underlined that the General Secretary of AKEL Andros Kyprianou only revealed the point that concerned him personally from the minutes of the National Council meeting, at the same time as a specific mass media outlet is revealing details from the minutes of the National Council meeting in question.

He also added that the Presidential Palace has been trying for some months to convey the message that there are two extremes in the Cyprus problem: one that wants to cut off the talks and the other extreme (in which AKEL is assigned) is proceeding to concessions on the issues of guarantees and security. There is no truth whatsoever in this, Mr. Tselepis pointed out, adding that AKEL is trying to salvage the procedure of talks by putting the parameters under discussion on the correct basis.

He noted, inter alia, that AKEL had spoken from the very beginning about Mr. Anastasiades’ concessions as regards the indivisibility of sovereignty that was abandoned and the 4: 1 ratio in the population ratio.

The Greek Cypriot side was aware of the intentions of the Turkish Cypriots

The Turkish Cypriot side long before last December had called for the withdrawal of the Map and the United Nations were trying to persuade Mr. Akinci not to do so. The Greek Cypriot side knew from the outset the Turkish Cypriot side’s intentions, stated Toumazos Tselepis.

From the moment it did do so, he added, the other side is also entitled to withdraw its own.

Mr. Tselepis criticized Mr. Akinci’s actions as a very bad move and stressed that what must be of concern is the essence of the action and the big setback to the procedure for the solution of the Cyprus problem.

In two days, he said, the Cyprus problem will again be before us unresolved and we must concentrate on how we can move forward with the talks.

The UN Secretary-General, he stressed, has pointed out what needs to be done to move the procedure forward, and that’s what Stavros Malas intends to do.


AKEL on the renewal of the UNFICYP mandate by the Security Council


AKEL on the need to resume negotiations