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Anastasiades continues to distort the truth instead of finding the courage to assume the responsibility of his actions

Statement by Eleni Mavrou, AKEL Political Bureau member

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 17th December 2017, Nicosia

Mr. Anastasiades is desperately trying to shift the responsibility for the 2013 haircut on bank deposits on to anyone but himself. However, the minutes of the Eurogroup decision on 18th March 2013, which have again come to the fore, prove once more that:

  1. Mr. Anastasiades knew very well before going to the Eurogroup about the imminent haircut on bank deposits, even though during the pre-election campaign he was pledging to do otherwise and despite the effort, together with Nicolas Papadopoulos, to cover up the crime committed by the banks.
  2. No pistol was put to his head. It was Mr. Anastasiades himself who imposed his proposal for a universal haircut, while the Eurogroup was reterating that deposits of less than 100,000 Euros had to be protected, evidently to protect the big-depositors of money.

The events that took place have long confirmed not only by EU officials (Mario Draghi, Olli Rehn among others), but also by the then Attorney General, Petros Clerides and the former Finance Minister Michalis Sarris.

If there is something that remains uninvestigated, it is the denounciations about preferential information of relatives and friends of the outgoing President of the Republic which permitted the movement of millions of Euros from Cyprus to abroad in order to avoid the haircut, leaving the rest of the people to pay the cost for his disastrous handlings for the country.

Mr. Anastasiades and his election campaign team continue to ferociously distort the truth instead of finding the courage to assume the responsibility of their actions.


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Anastasiades-Papadopoulos blaming each other, yet for 5 years they were cooperating impeccably inside and outside Parliament