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Anastasiades-Papadopoulos blaming each other, yet for 5 years they were cooperating impeccably inside and outside Parliament

Statements by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 19th December 2017, Nicosia

The outgoing government rulers and Nicolas Papadopoulos’ election campaign team are squabbling over the haircut on bank deposits. One is apportioning responsibilities and blaming the other, although for almost five years they have worked together, both inside and outside of Parliament, to impose the neoliberal austerity measures that have hit the overwhelming majority of the people.

Now we have elections and the needs are different.

Mr. Anastasiades, instead of assuming his responsibilities for breaking his explicit pledge not to accept a haircut on bank deposits that would be “a disaster for Cyprus” as he himself was stating back then, he is trying to shift the responsibilities for the haircut on the House of Representatives. In other words, “the crisis wanted a leader”….

Not only did N. Papadopoulos never raise any questions regarding responsibilities for the haircut, but he participated in the government that imposed the haircut itself and in the government pursuing neoliberal austerity policies. And when N.Papadopoulos did leave the Anastasiades-DISY government, he did so because of the Cyprus problem and not because of the anti-popular socio-economic policy being implemented. Hence, the well-known statement made by a leading DIKO official that “we didn’t get a divorce from N. Anastasiades to get in bed with Averof Neophytou.”

Now Papadopoulos has been transformed for pre-election purposes. From a protector of powerful interests he has worn the mask of a politician in favour of the people’s interests, competing with N. Anastasiades in issuing announcements and promises that have as much credibility as the pledges which the ruling government and co-rulers had made during the previous presidential elections.

AKEL reply to DIKO statement on the presentation of Stavros Malas’ Governance Program

Even before they have even read the Governance Program of Stavros Malas and with a statement issued that was evidently prepared by their communications team before the Stavros Malas Press Conference, DIKO has concluded that Mr. Malas’ positions are positions stemming from the past.

We have one thing to say: you don’t throw stones when you are in a glass house. The inequality, poverty, emigration and despair caused by the policies of “Averof-Papadopoulos duo of the Orphanides genre” will belong to the past in the upcoming Presidential elections.

With Stavros Malas as President of the Republic, Cyprus will change course and take the path of progress and prosperity for all, not for the privileged few.


Anastasiades continues to distort the truth instead of finding the courage to assume the responsibility of his actions


Rizokarpaso where both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots live together can be an example of the harmonious coexistence between the two communities