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AKEL on voting against the 2018 state budget

Statement by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A.Kyprianou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14th December 2017, Nicosia

The budget, approved by the majority of the House of Representatives yesterday, is in line with the government’s philosophy implemented over the last five years, which has led, in our view, to a growth that isn’t based on solid foundations.

First and foremost because when growth isn’t based on an organized plan then it isn’t growth. Much of the growth recorded stems from the selling passports to foreigners. This is a measure which, in our view, may temporarily help the economy, but cannot help it in the long run. At the same time, this growth isn’t distributed for the benefit of society as a whole. Instead, it has benefited only a small section of society.

The philosophy and budget as elaborated by the government on an annual basis has led to an increase in the gap between the 10% of the wealthy and all the remaining 90% of the population. Furthermore, it has driven a large section of the Cypriot people into deprivation. Poverty has doubled from 2013 to 2016. Unemployment is still high because no quality jobs are being created, while we also have the phenomenon of the working poor, that is to say some people working on very low wages and salaries. At the same time, we are bottom of the table across the European Union with regards spending in the public health system and on social benefits, as well as holding the 21st position out of 28 –just a few places before the bottom – with regards spending on social justice.

We want a better distribution of budget funds so that, on the one hand, we can either overcome or bridge the gap between the rich and everyone else and on the other, provide support to important areas such as the education and the public health system, as well as to the vulnerable groups of the population.

This is precisely why we voted against the budget just like in previous years.


Speech by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A. Kyprianou in the House of Representatives debate on the 2018 State Budget


Anastasiades continues to distort the truth instead of finding the courage to assume the responsibility of his actions