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Tougher positions on the Cyprus problem lead directly to partition

Statements by Toumazos Tselepis, AKEL Political Bureau member and Head of the Cyprus Problem Bureau of AKEL

ASTRA radio station, 22nd November 2017

If those circles and forces saying that they oppose federation, citing a number of reasons, believe that by pursuing such positions the Cypriot problem will be solved, then they are fooling themselves, stressed AKEL Political Bureau member and Head of the Cyprus Problem Bureau of AKEL Toumazos Tselepis.

It is well-known that during the pre-election periods some parties harden their positions on the Cyprus problem and this creates problems in the understanding of the Greek Cypriot side’s positions within the international community.

Mr. Tselepis said that a tougher line on the Cyprus problem may appease voters, but in reality such positions lead directly to partition.

Such positions, he pointed out, raise questions among the international community as to whether the Greek Cypriots really want a solution. This, he noted, is also included in the report released by the UN Secretary-General.

If immediately after the elections no concrete initiatives are taken by both leaders, there will be no new initiative, concluded Mr. Tselepis.


Stagnation on the Cyprus problem when accompanied by a Turkey relieved of any responsibilities always facilitated Turkish plans


Papadopoulos and Anastasiades in reality do not have a proposal for the solution of the Cyprus problem