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Message to comrade Oscar Figuera, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)

Dear Comrade,

On behalf of the Central Committee of AKEL and myself personally, I warmly congratulate you on your re-election as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela. I convey the militant and comradely greetings of the cadres and members of AKEL to the communists of Venezuela who are waging a heroic struggle in the arduous conditions prevailing in your country. I am certain that the results of the 15th Congress of the PCV have strengthened it so that it can contribute even more decisively to the defence of national sovereignty, popular will and in tackling the challenges ahead of the Bolivarian Revolution.

On this occasion, I would like to express the unreserved solidarity of AKEL with the people, the Communist Party and the Venezuelan government, who are resisting the attempts of the pro-imperialist Right and ultra-right to undermine and destabilize the country. This is an attempt which is part of with US plans for foreign intervention and control of your country’s rich natural resources.

AKEL greets the results of the Election for the Constituent Assembly and the fact that the Venezuelan people did not give in to the violence and terrorism and voted in mass numbers in the election. At the same time, AKEL is following carefully the assessments and approaches of the Communist Party of Venezuela on the course of the Bolivarian Revolution and for the need for a revolutionary response to the crisis and the challenges faced by the country, but also to the US aggressive actions. AKEL shares your evaluation that the anti-imperialist struggle to resist foreign intervention must be combined with the intensification of the class struggle within the country.

AKEL, within its possibilities and from every podium and forum, denounces and condemns the US plans for political-economic and even military intervention in Venezuela, but also the hypocritical stance of the European Union.

We know very well that in modern history there have been many examples in Latin America, but also all over the world, including our own country of Cyprus, where the US and its allies tried to slander, undermine and overthrow governments that were not to their liking and cooperating with them. It is clear that the US are seeking for Venezuela a modern repetition of the drama of Chile in the 1970’s with the overthrow of the Salvador Allende government and the installation of the junta of Pinochet.

The outcome of these aspirations will be decided by the unity, readiness and determination of the people of each country, but also by the international solidarity that the struggling peoples receive. This is the reason why AKEL stands firmly on the side of the Communists, but also of the entire people of Venezuela, in the direction of deepening the Bolivarian Revolution with radical changes in society, the economy and the state of the country to the benefit of the people and workers of your homeland.

Please forward to the members of the Communist Party of Venezuela the unreserved and unwavering solidarity from their Cypriot comrades in their struggle for democracy, national independence, popular sovereignty, peace and socialism.

With comradely greetings,

Andros Kyprianou

General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL


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