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Message to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros

To the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Nicolás Maduro Moros

On behalf of the Central Committee of AKEL, I address a message of solidarity to the people and Government of Venezuela who are continuing to defend the national sovereignty of their country, to resist the US attempts to intervene and control the country’s rich resources, assisted by the domestic elite, the forces of the Right and extreme right terrorist groups, as well as by the media under their control. Since the election of Hugo Chavez to the leadership of Venezuela in 1998, the US has targeted the country starting with the failed coup d’état executed in 2002. Today, the effort is escalating through the violence being incited by the reactionary forces and the coordinated operation aiming at the economic destabilization of Venezuela by sections of the domestic oligarchy.

AKEL salutes the people of Venezuela who have not yielded to the terrorism of the domestic Right-wing which, through violence and assassinations, tried to prevent citizens from participating in the elections for the Constituent Assembly. We welcome the broadening of popular support towards the Bolivarian Revolution as recorded in the Election for the Constitutional Assembly, where an increased participation has been recorded. We express our solidarity with the pioneering forces of the Venezuelan people who are struggling to repel the external intervention and deepen the Bolivarian Revolution with even deeper progressive changes.

At the same time, AKEL denounces the US’s new aggression which was expressed by President Trump’s threats to impose new sanctions against Venezuela and its people. It is no surprise that the US and their allies, who have traditionally supported and do support dictatorships, juntas and monarchies, are characterizing the elected government of Nicolás Maduro a “dictatorship”. Increasingly, peoples all over the world are understanding what is being hidden when the West speaks of “democracy” and “human rights”. Venezuela holds the 5th place in the world with regards oil exports and has the biggest proven oil reserves in the world. It has however a government elected by its own people on the basis of a program of radical reforms in favour of the people’s interests, and not a government to the liking of the US and domestic plutocracy. This is the root cause of the crisis and this fact cannot be covered up despite the Western media’s propaganda.

AKEL, within its possibilities and from every podium and forum, recalls that the principles of respect for the sovereignty of states, non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states, the right of every people to choose the future of their country should be the common denominator applying to all, regardless of whether it agrees or disagrees with the choices of one or the other country.

With sincere regards,

Andros Kyprianou

General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL

3rd August 2017, Nicosia


Message to comrade Oscar Figuera, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)


Mensaje del Secretario General del Comité Central de AKEL al Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moro