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AKEL GS statements after meeting with the President of “Citizen’s Alliance”

Statement by the General Secretary of AKEL A.Kyprianou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 26th June 2017, Nicosia

Right now all our attention is focused on the Conference in Switzerland, with the wish that this time the talks will yield results. Let me first of all make it clear that the meeting we had with the “Citizens’ Alliance” was held on its own request. We have responded positively because we are always seeking the broadest possible strategic alliances. We are always seeking cooperation which, of course, must be forged based on political principles, honesty and sincerity. I believe we have had a meaningful and frank debate. We have explored the room for programmatic convergences and political cooperation.

We have agreed that today’s Anastasiades-Democratic Rally administration has widened the gap of social inequality, undermined public and independent institutions, and demolished every concept of social policy, transparency and meritocracy.

At the same time, we stressed, on our part, that we consider that the next government must be committed to changing the socio-economic policies pursued, but also must remain consistent to the goal of liberating our homeland on the basis of Bi-Zonal Bi-communal Federation. We have made it clear that we cannot support for the Presidency of the Republic a candidate with whom there won’t be a complete convergence of positions regarding the solution of the Cyprus problem, an identification with regards the need for reforms that must be made to safeguard the gains and interests of working people and a real intention to combat non-transparency, corruption, the cronyism and nepotism arising from the establishment policy of clientelism, petty-party trading and imposition.

Due precisely to the developments in Crans-Montana in Switzerland on the Cyprus problem in the days to follow, we stated that we would leave this debate open that we have begun today which we will continue on our return to Cyprus and in the light of developments surrounding the Cyprus problem.

As I said AKEL’s priority is the effort to achieve a solution to the Cyprus problem based on the agreed principles. Consequently we are going to Switzerland with the aim of making a constructive contribution to the talks for a solution of the Cyprus problem.

We once again address an appeal to the government and political leaders to avoid issuing any statements for as long as we are there. It is our conviction that statements that will fuel the climate on the domestic front are irresponsible and do not constitute patriotic behavior in any way. They would deprive the Greek Cypriot leader of the possibility of negotiating unhindered and would not permit a substantive and fruitful dialogue to be conducted in the National Council during our stay there. Depending on the outcome, each political party will have all the time at its disposal to put forth its positions.

Our appeal is to finally put Cyprus’ interests for once over and above any petty-party interests or personal ambitions. We should all behave patriotically, responsibly and seriously.


We aren’t content with the wishful thinking of a security offered by half a country


AKEL on the failure of the Conference on the Cyprus problem in Switzerland