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Statements by the General Secretary of AKEL Andros Kyprianou following the meeting with the Russian Ambassador

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 11th May 2017, Nicosia


On the meeting with the Russian Ambassador

We had a very fruitful meeting with our friend the Russian Ambassador, during which we mainly discussed the Cyprus problem, but he was also kind enough to brief me about the visit here of the Russian Foreign Minister Mr. Lavrov.

As far as the Cyprus problem is concerned, I outlined AKEL’s views on the latest developments and reiterated our position that we should exhaust every possibility that exists to try to channel developments in the direction of the solution. Not of any solution, I will stress this point again, but a solution that will be based on the agreed principles.

Our own appeal to the President of the Republic, despite the problems and obstacles the Turkish side is putting in this endeavour, is that he should exhaust all possibilities and make whatever efforts are necessary to examine whether it is possible to reach an agreement. We will pursue the same policy we have been advocating for forty-three years on the Cyprus problem, because we believe that this phase is extremely critical for the future course of Cyprus and the Cypriot people. That is why there is no room to act once again in a way that will yield negative results.

I want to thank our friend the Russian Ambassador for the continuous interest and support that the Russian Federation renders to Cyprus in its efforts to achieve a just, workable and viable solution to the Cyprus problem.

On all the talk surrounding the Presidential elections

I’m not going to comment on every name that’s being mentioned in the press. They should all have a little patience. We have democratic processes in AKEL. Andros Kyprianou doesn’t decide, nor will the Party leadership decide who the candidate will be that AKEL will support. We are not like other political parties where the candidates themselves decide that they will be candidates and subsequently they’re simply applauded by their officials surrounding them as they have their blessing. We repeat, we have very democratic processes. As we have lost count of the number of names being written daily, I’m not going to comment. I’ll just say they should be a little patient and they will then see who will ultimately be the candidate AKEL will support. One thing is for sure, namely that our choice of candidate will be a winning choice, be sure of that.


Instead of trying unsuccessfully to hide its mutations on the Cyprus problem the government should focus on reaching a solution


Everyone in the end will be judged by their seriousness and credibility