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AKEL: Brief Historical Outline

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 AKEL:  Brief Historical Outline


AKEL peopleFoundation: AKEL, the Progressive Party of the Working People, held its founding Congress on 14th April 1941, successor to the Communist Party of Cyprus CPC established in 1926.

The CPC was born out of the historical necessity of the times and social conditions. The CPC as the political party of the working class based on Marxist–Leninist principles fought heroically in illegality and despite brutal persecution led the struggle for the liberation from the British colonial yoke, for the working people’s social, political and economic demands.

On the CPC’s call, 60 Cypriot anti-fascists fought in the Spanish Civil War against Franco fascism, 15 of them sacrificing their lives.


AKEL: The Party of the Cypriot working class

AKEL’s formation in April 1941 expressed the need for the mass legal expression of the Cypriot people’s struggle on all fronts. Following an appeal issued in 1943 thousands of AKEL members and antifascists joined the fight against Hitler fascism. All through its 88 years of struggles AKEL has been a class party uniting all the Cypriot working class, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Maronites, Armenians and Latins.  It played a leading role in the establishment of the first class trade unions and in the development of the broader People’s Movement of the Left, thus forging solid links between the working people and AKEL.


AKEL and the Cyprus Problem

AKEL disagreed with the armed struggle of the nationalist EOKA organization 1955-59, supporting instead a mass and organized political struggle in a joint anti-imperialist front of Greek and Turkish Cypriots. Many GC and TC comrades were murdered by the ultra-right in the attempt to crush the Left and enforce the imperialist policy of “divide and rule”.

Following the 1960 declaration of a shackled Cyprus independence, AKEL struggled to defend democracy, the independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus from constant foreign conspiracies and interventions that culminated in July 1974, with the CIA-engineered fascist coup d’état of the Greek Junta and the fascist terrorist organization EOKA B’ and the subsequent Turkish invasion and occupation of 40% of the territory of the Cyprus Republic.  Many AKEL members and supporters sacrificed their lives defending democracy and Cyprus independence.  Since 1974 AKEL has been struggling to bring about the end of the Turkish occupation and the reunification of Cyprus and our people.

AKEL is fighting for a peaceful, lasting and viable solution based on International Law, the UN Resolutions and the High-level Agreements, within the framework of the UN; for a united state in a bizonal bicommunal federation, with a single sovereignty, a single international personality, and a single citizenship, with the fundamental human rights and freedoms of all Cypriots guaranteed.

AKEL supports the dismantling of the foreign bases in Cyprus and the demilitarization of the island, though the primary objective now is the end of the occupation.


Rapprochement between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots

Since its foundation, AKEL has been and remains a staunch fighter against nationalism and chauvinism, for friendship, cooperation, mutual understanding and respect among all Cypriots.  It has always stressed the necessity of a common anti-imperialist front of struggle. Many GC and TC comrades were murdered and persecuted by chauvinists from both communities. Since 1974 AKEL has been working with consistency for the rapprochement of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, considering it as indispensible for the implementation of a future solution of the Cyprus problem. Today rapprochement is a movement embracing broad masses of Cypriots.


AKEL – a mass national political force

AKEL succeeds in rejuvenating itself, modernizing its political and ideological approaches and broadening even further inner-party democracy, whilst preserving its Marxist-Leninist character and identity, without ever abandoning fundamental principles and values.


The policy of political alliances

Taking into account Cyprus’ concrete conditions, current stage of struggle, the principal duty and pressing need for a solution, AKEL has always followed a policy of forging broad alliances with patriotic and democratic forces on short and middle term objectives. Whether supporting or participating in coalition governments but also when in opposition, AKEL’s main goal has been its decisive contribution to the solution of the Cyprus problem based on principles and safeguarding and promoting working people’s democratic and socio-economic rights and gains.

AKEL believes its broader policy of alliances does not contradict its ideological character and ultimate goal -the socialist transformation of Cypriot society. On the contrary, it brings this perspective nearer.


The election of Demetris Christofias to the Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus. In 2007 AKEL took the historic decision for the first time since 1960 independence to support its own candidate, its General Secretary at the time, Demetris Christofias, in the 2008 Presidential Elections  His election with 53,3% of the vote in the 2nd round was of historical importance for the Party. The principal and overriding objective was the promotion of a just solution of the Cyprus problem based on principles. Furthermore, AKEL also sought the promotion a more just society, implementing a broader progressive political program. Significant achievements were made on the Cyprus problem with the convergences recorded in the talks and in the implementation of a multifaceted foreign policy, along with a broad pro-people socio-economic policy. For the first time privileges and ruling interests were threatened. Consequently, a fierce all-out attack on all levels began against Christofias and AKEL.


The consequences of the capitalist crisis and election of the right wing government.in 2013

AKEL and the Christofias government did not shift the burden of the crisis on working people’s backs, unlike other governments and the new Right wing government elected in 2013. Whereas AKEL and Christofias resisted privatizations, deregulation of labour relations, abolition of workers’ rights and gains, savage cuts in social policy, wages and benefits the Right wing government is imposing them. Fully in line with the Troika and EU dictates, the Right began by imposing an unprecedented “bail-in” on bank deposits. Although the Right is “celebrating” Cyprus’ formal exit from the Memorandum the truth is that the vicious Memoranda austerity policies of cuts, privatizations and deregulations have by far not ended; quite on the contrary they are continuing with greater intensity and additional devastating socio-economic consequences. AKEL and the People’s Movement of the Left are playing the leading role in the mobilization and militant defense of workers’ rights and social gains that are under fierce attack from the Troika-Anastasiades government’s decisions.


AKEL and May 2016 Parliamentary Elections

In an adverse political and economic climate characterized by the deliberate daily cultivation by specific circles of apathy, de-politicalisation, absence of real political debate on positions and proposals, as well as rampant anti-AKEL and anti-communist frenzy,   compared to the 2011 elections, there was a substantial increase of 12% in the abstention rate.

AKEL’s percentage fell to 25.67% (-7.1%) and won 16 seats (-3) out of 56. It remains a leading and powerful political force and is the biggest opposition party. In addition, new small parties have entered Parliament making it an 8-party Parliament, including for the first time an extreme-right nationalist fascist party, which undoubtedly is a very negative development.

The C.C. of AKEL, following the open and frank discussion held in the Party Base Organizations, and in a spirit of criticism and self-criticism, has convened in lengthy plenary sessions to analyze in detail the result, study its causes and chart the way forward. Numerous decisions have been approved to make AKEL more effective at all levels, to strengthen the Party and address longstanding mistakes, shortcomings and weaknesses, both objective and subjective, as well as its mass, organized and militant intervention at all levels of Cypriot society.


International Department of AKEL

July 2016


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Website:   www.marioskosma.com  

Facebook page: @AKEL.International

Instagram: akel1926


Contact AKEL at:

E-mail: interbureau@marioskosma.com

Tel: (+357)22817346

Fax: (+357)22767144




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