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41st Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal – AKEL Message to the Portuguese Communist Party


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 29th April 2015, Nicosia


history inter revolution carnationsThe General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL Andros Kyprianou has sent the following message to the Portuguese Communist Party PCP on the occasion of 25th April, the day on which in 1974 the people rose up against the fascist Salazar regime.

“On behalf of the C.C. of AKEL we pay tribute to the antifascist struggle of the Portuguese people and the Portuguese Communist Party which led to the Carnation Revolution that established democracy in the country.

The Carnation Revolution 41 years later continues to inspire the current and future struggles for social justice and democracy. The Revolution that took place in Portugal on 25th April 1974 marked the end of the Salazar dictatorship, as well as of Portuguese colonialism, while it also incorporated in the Constitution and promoted numerous of popular and democratic gains of the people.

Unfortunately today, the gains of the April Revolution, as well as the democratic values ​​that were adopted by the Constitution of Portugal have been undermined by the asymmetric attack waged on the people’s rights by the European Union and successive governments of the country which have implemented vicious neo-liberal austerity policies.

The Central Committee of AKEL addresses a message of solidarity to the Portuguese Communist Party and the Portuguese people in their struggle for a different path, the path of resistance and dignity. Topical and timely as ever, the principles of “April” are guiding the struggles of the working class for democracy, sovereignty, freedom and the development of Portugal. “



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