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Juncker’s candidacy for the European Commission Presidency


Statement by Neoclis Sylikiotis, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL and MEP

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 28th June 2014, Nicosia

AKEL considers the decision of the European Council to support the candidacy of Jean Claude Juncker for the Presidency of the European Commission must be judged by its political content.

eu puzzleMr. Juncker is a leading member of the European Peoples Party, that is to say the political party that is most responsible for the severe austerity policy in Europe. The Right-wing devotion to this specific policy will continue. In any case, it is precisely these very circles, mainly of the European Peoples Party, that are dominant over the past decades within the institutional bodies of the European Union, the Presidency of the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament. We do not agree with the position that Cyprus automatically benefits because Mr. Juncker was either Prime Minister of a small state (Luxembourg), or because he is a friend of Cyprus. It has been proven that political affairs in the EU operate cynically serving interests and are not based on any personal friendship. Besides, Mr. Juncker is fully backed by the German Chancellor Merkel, whose policy is prevelant inside the EU. Furthermore, Mr. Juncker was one of the advocates of neo-liberal policies and the policy of the Memoranda.

In addition, we point out the support given by the European Socialists to the candidate of the Right-wing. This is further proof of the common path of the Socialdemocrats and the Right on major issues. Developments themselves will demonstrate whether there is an policyof sharing posts for the President of the European Parliament between the two, but also regarding other official posts.

AKEL in contrast to the conservative euro-sceptics, like the whole of the European Left which has grown stronger after the European elections, is asserting a change of EU policy, setting out positions for a new course of the EU, for more growth and social cohesion and aiming at a Europe of solidarity, peace, equality,equality and the peoples.


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