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The EU-Turkey Association Council


Statement of Toumazos Tsielepis, Head of the Office on the Cyprus problem of the C.C. AKEL

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 24th June 2014, Nicosia


The common position of the “28” at the EU-Turkey Association Council contains several
positive elements that could be utilised as the second and substantive phase of the negotiations is underway for a solution of the Cyprus problem.

eu-and-turkeyInter alia, the European Union welcomes the resumption of the talks and notes that Turkey’s commitment and practical contribution towards an overall settlement remains crucial. Furthermore, the European Union expresses a clear position that the full and non-discriminatory implementation of the Additional Protocol is an obligation of Turkey and as such it should be respected. In this regard, the European Union calls for progress and stresses that the implementation of the Additional Protocol would give a significant impetus to the negotiating procedure.

Nobody can doubt the correctness of the above positions, which, if there were to be respected will give an impetus to the negotiating procedure, at a time indeed when Turkey is facing serious problems and does not appear capable of leading to the sought end, which is none other than the solution the Cyprus problem on the basis of principles.

However, nor this time was Turkey’s reaction to the common position encouraging. Despite the European Union’s repeated calls, Ankara limits itself to issuing verbal declarations and continues to stubbornly refuse to implement the Additional Protocol. Having this given situation in mind, it is imperative that the European Union itself should reflect, given that after almost ten years the policy it is pursuing on Turkey’s obligations with regards the Cyprus problem is proving to be ineffective. Consequently, it is imperative that the European Union should seek more effective ways so as to convince Turkey to respect its inescapable obligations towards Cyprus.


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