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AKEL Political Bureau on the result of the European elections

 1The Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL in its session today had a first discussion and made an initial assessment of the results of the elections for the European Parliament. A detailed and comprehensive evaluation of the election result will be made by the C.C. of the Party, which will convene soon and subsequently by the whole party membership.

The Political Bureau, taking into account the difficult conditions in which AKEL waged the election battle, notes with satisfaction that the two objectives that had been set by the Party were achieved, namely the election of 2 MEP’s and maintaining AKEL’s leading role in our country’s political and social life and affairs.

The election result is a strong foundation upon which AKEL will base this difficult effort, remaining the principal militant and assertive defender of the rights and interests of the popular strata. Regardless of the satisfactory under the circumstances result AKEL achieved in the elections, the Political Bureau notes the reduction in the electoral strength of the Party, both in terms of percentages and votes in recent years. The Political Bureau expresses the determination of the leadership of the Party to work in a planned and methodological way for AKEL to recover its lost force, widen and strengthen the relationships of trust with its electoral grassroots, but also with the working people and society in general.

The election result is the product of the hard work carried out by the cadres, members and friends of the Party during the election campaign. We thank and congratulate them because they gave their very best to this struggle. Through their hard work and mobilization they did not permit all those who, by discrediting, denigrating and furiously attacking AKEL, sought to weaken and marginalize it so that they can impose their anti-social policies against the people and its interests.

The Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL notes with concern the upsurge in abstention, even if the European elections have peculiarities that do influence its growth. The position of the Party is clear. Abstention, regardless of the reasons that cause it, is not an option because it perpetuates and deepens the current state of austerity, mass unemployment and poverty imposed by the neoliberal policies of the ruling circles of the Right and Social Democracy.

Abstention must be combated. As AKEL, we assume our share of responsibility and we shall continue to work with consistency and continuity in order to restore people’s confidence in political struggle and affairs.

AKEL, through its participation in the Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left, will continue to utilize every possibility and opportunity to serve the vital interests of our country and to promote a solution to the Cyprus problem that will liberate and reunite our country and people. AKEL will continue to struggle to promote the vision of a different Europe, a Europe of the peoples, peace, cooperation, solidarity, work, social cohesion and development centred on people’s needs and interests.

The responsible and patriotic policy of the Party on the Cyprus problem, its policy against the neoliberal attack of the Troika and the Anastasiades/Democratic Rally party Government, its policy for a speedy exit from the anti-peoples Memorandum and for the defence of the rights of workers and the popular classes, are acknowledged. However, it is clear that the Party must strengthen its daily contact with the people and improve its political intervention in society in order to fulfil the goals it has set.

AKEL is already implementing changes in this direction. In the efforts directed towards making AKEL more effective in its actions, more valid and timely in developing political struggle, we will take very seriously into account the messages, opinions and comments that the Party’s electoral base conveyed to us in the face-to-face dialogue we developed with it during the election campaign. We shall continue the dialogue with the voters and the wider community after the elections as well. The holding of the regular Congress of the Party, scheduled to take place in the first half of 2015, will strengthen these efforts.



AKEL statement on 2014 European elections


Interview with Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL in "KATHIMERINI" newspaper