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Isolate neo-fascist elements!


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 27th March 2014, Nicosia



On behalf of AKEL I denounce all that was provoked by the members of ELAM (Note: the Greek Cypriot “National Popular Front”, an ultra-right wing, extreme nationalist and anti-communist organisation formed in 2008) at the meeting which was held at the Technical University of Cyprus. For the umpteenth time, neo-fascist elements acted in the same unacceptable way, breaking the law and recalling the darkest days of modern Cypriot history.

Yet again the responsible Minister and all those from the Police Authorities were aware, appeared unprepared to combat the criminal actions of ELAM.

I would like to remind everyone that I had denounced the criminal activity of these specific elements in a well-documented way to the Minister of Justice many months ago. Based on the recent reply I received from the Attorney General, it is evident that these specific elements carried out criminal actions, which indeed could easily have led to a criminal case against them. Unfortunately, the Legal Service, based on the groundless argument that they supposedly did not know that they were breaking any laws committing a criminal offense, decided not to prosecute them.

Last night’s incident must have convinced everyone that criminal and illegal activities, from wherever they may come from, must not go unpunished, because in that case it leads to these criminal elements becoming more impudent. I expect the Minister of Justice and the Legal Service to at last take all the necessary measures. With regards the written reply of the Attorney General to me I reserve the right to reply in written form and in a well-documented way, and if need be, I will make it public.

Finally, I reiterate that as AKEL we shall do everything on our part to isolate neo-fascism politically and that it will always find the Cypriot people, united and unanimous, confronting it.




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