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Intervention of Christos Christofides, member of the P.B. of AKEL at the Meeting between G/c and T/c Parties


26th March 2014, “Ledra Palace”, Nicosia




The new procedure on the Cyprus problem is entering a critical phase. We do not believe in all the talk about this being the “last chance” to find a solution. It has been proved in the past too that this position about “last chances” to solve the Cyprus problem is unrealistic. On the other hand certainly the passage of time with regards the Cyprus problem is not unlimited. Given that forty years have already gone by, quite a number of important situations are being formed on the ground, with the threat of becoming fait accomplis. The selling-off of properties in the occupied areas, the settlers, socio-economic situation and the upgrading of the pseudo-state create conditions for the finalization of partition if the Cyprus problem remains unresolved for yet a longer period of time.

At the same time, the international situation is becoming worse. In recent years within the context of the “New Order” we are seeing “independent states” springing up constantly through secessions, even of provinces, with the strength of the might of the big powers and in violation of every rule of International L        aw. AKEL believes that International Law constitutes a powerful weapon for the Cypriot people, but as in so many other cases, International Law can be adapted and tailored to the interests of the powerful of the earth.

Do we need a solution to the Cyprus problem? We need a correct, viable and functional solution of the Cyprus problem more than ever before. The Turkish Cypriot community without a solution will remain under the suffocating control of Turkey and under the burden of the on-going colonisation it is in danger of disappearing, at least as we know it today. The Greek Cypriot community with the Cyprus problem unresolved will continue to live in the embrace of a time bomb. The precedent of a permanency and possibly legalization of the occupation will threaten the entire territory of the Republic of Cyprus. Both communities will lose half of our homeland. Both of our communities are today living under a suffocating economic and consequent social control; the Greek Cypriots of the Troika and on the other the Turkish Cypriots under the control of Turkey. Partition would be a disaster for everyone.

Finally, we must take very seriously into account the changes in the wider region and especially the interests of the powerful of the earth. Our region is gradually but steadily coming under the virtual full influence of the US, the EU ruling circles and NATO. For reasons relating to the Natural Gas, the broader reshaping of the region into spheres of influence and the relationships between regional powers (Israel, Turkey), in the period ahead of us keen interest will be shown – to put it mildly – for an overall solution of the Cyprus problem. As long as Cypriots leave gaps at the negotiating table, so will the danger grow that these gaps will eventually be filled by well-known third parties, not for the benefit of the Cypriot people, but in the interest of others.

AKEL supports the negotiating procedure. It would be simple for AKEL, indeed especially after the vindication of our positions concerning the joint communiqué, being in opposition, to distance ourselves and just exercise criticism. However, fully conscious of the critical nature of developments, demonstrating responsibility, seriousness and patriotism, AKEL supports the negotiating process. Our support does not of course give a carte blanche to anyone to do as they please.

We are ready not only to support the procedure, but also to assume responsibilities and work within the framework of the National Council for the best possible result. This depends mainly on Resident Anastasiades. We are working closely with all the Turkish Cypriot political parties who want a solution of the Cyprus problem, but also with other organized groups in the Turkish Cypriot community. Our goal is to forge the maximum possible unity within the Greek Cypriot community, based on principles, but also unity between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots on the path to liberation and reunification.

The negotiations are progressing very slowly, if at all that is. We consider the fact that the convergences agreed between Christofias – Talat have not been utilised as a mistake. What we say may not perhaps be to the liking of some circles and forces within the Greek Cypriot community, but the truth is that the effort to achieve new convergences from zero harbours the serious danger of resulting in worse convergences because Eroglu’s positions are well-known and because the balance of power is today more difficult against the Cypriots. We fear that we shall be vindicated, as our positions on the joint communiqué were also vindicated.

AKEL will continue steadfastly and responsibly to back the efforts to shake off the occupation, abolish the destructive partition and reunite our country and people. We are ready to assume our share of responsibilities in order to support the solution in practice. However, we demand a say and participation in the formulation of positions. AKEL because of its historical role and respect it enjoys among the Cypriot people as a whole will be a bridge of understanding and cooperation between all the Cypriots, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Maronites, Armenians and Latins.



The Turkish Cypriot side and Turkey should move from verbal announcements to practical deeds and actions


The talks are at a decisive point - by Toumazos Tsielepis, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL, Head of the Department on the Cyprus problem of the C.C. of AKEL