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AKEL in solidarity with Murat Kanatli




AKEL expresses its solidarity with Murat Kanatli, Organizational

Secretary of the New Cyprus Party (YKP) who was arrested from the occupying authorities today due to his refusal to serve his military service in the occupation army. At the same time, it condemns the action of the occupation army that once more reveals its violent character.

The militant Murat Kanatli has refused several times since 2009 to serve the occupation army due to consciousness reasons. He prefered to remain with a clear consciousness instead of serving an army which divides until today his homeland and imposes the occupation accomplished facts.

He as well as his Party have always been fighting for the termination of the occupation and towards the reunification of the country. New Cyprus Party and AKEL have joined together several times common struggles for rapprochement.

AKEL reaffirms that will remain in solidarity with all the Cypriots, from both sides of the occupation wire fence, that envision a reunified Cyprus, homeland for all of its children, Greekcypriots and Turkishcypriots.


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