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1974-2019 – 45 years Cyprus still Divided



Cyprus still DividedThis July marks 45 years of illegal military occupation of Cyprus by Turkey. The 15 and 20 of July remind us of the fascist Greek Junta coup d’ etat and the Turkish invasion, respectively.  Cyprus is still divided as a result of the long-term foreign imperialist interventions and the actions of the nationalist-chauvinist forces from both communities.


  • 37% of its territory occupied by Turkey
  • Its occupied part is the most militarized place in the world
  • Since 1977 the two communities agreed to negotiate upon the basis of a Bicommunal-Bizonal Federation
  • Several negotiations have failed due to the intransigence of Turkey and nationalist forces
  • Fate of 1065 missing persons from both communities remains unverified
  • AKEL has always aimed a common peace struggle of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots
  • British bases are still in its ground

The Central Committee of AKEL


AKEL Declaration on the 45th anniversary of the fascist coup


EU sanctions on Turkey well short of the circumstances