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We’ve had enough of lies…. Our destruction = your hunger! – Article by AKEL MEP Giorgos Georgiou


Tuesday 5 March 2024

”Our destruction = your hunger!”. The slogan on the banner, a punch in the stomach. In just 6 words a farmer managed to capture, wisely, the essence of the problem. The equation of green capitalism. The effects of neoliberal economics. But also the need for the waging of an organised struggle of the peoples, for a humane Europe, without exploitation.

The thousands of tractors that flooded roads across the EU member states belong to organic farmers, thanks to whom we have bread on our table. And the reason for their protest is the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which is stealing their bread. Their families have been brought to their knees by the energy crisis, suffering from inflation and are being driven to poverty because of EU policies. We are talking about criminal inequality and an unspeakable barbarity that has become normality.

The farmers’ demands are just and must be met in practice. That is precisely why we need to express our solidarity with their struggle for the immediate satisfaction of their needs.

For 100% compensation for their losses, the replacement of lost income, a substantial reduction of production costs, ensuring tax-free oil and guaranteed minimum prices and protection from cheap, unsafe products from third countries for the health of European citizens.

In the European Parliament, the political group of the European United Left has long been warning about the consequences of the CAP, which favours big producers at the expense of organic farmers. We have repeatedly stressed that in order for small producers to be able to adapt to the new objectives, there must be substantial support and funding from the EU.

We subsequently disagreed with the policy of strengthening the large groups in the agricultural sector and support for monopolistic competition. We have submitted specific proposals to support small farmers. Unfortunately, however, we have been confronted with a deafening silence. The money given to farmers through the common agricultural policy is not only not increasing, but is constantly decreasing as a result of the policy pursued by the usual suspects. Namely, the collaborating forces of right-wing, conservative and far-right MEP’s in the European Parliament, who choose to serve other interests.

Unfortunately, the EU policies promoted in the name of the ‘green transition’ impose further obstacles to subsidies for small producers for the benefit of business groups. Small producers are condemned to sell their products at exorbitant prices, even though the cost of production in terms of oil, electricity and agricultural inputs has skyrocketed. As for compensation, due to the extreme and disastrous weather, small farmers are constantly in anticipation.

The current situation can no longer be tolerated. We do not want this Europe. That is precisely why we are fighting to take it in a different direction, in the interests of the well-being of the peoples, who deserve it!

The EU cannot invoke its budgetary objectives to avoid supporting farmers when, at the same time, it is investing billions in the defence and war industry.

The EU cannot perpetuate and sustain wars and reinforce the food crisis when, at the same time, it is flying the flag for human values and principles.

The EU cannot stick to the same neoliberal policies that have destroyed small producers and, at the same time, proclaim that it cares about the people involved in agriculture and the working class.

We have had enough of lies.

Farmers are revolting all over the EU. They are shaking the powerful states of the Union, Germany and France. They rule in the heart of the Union, in Brussels.

They are sending out a clear message. Decisions must be taken yesterday! For the salvation of farmers. Because that will be in everyone’s interest!

To this day, the Brussels Directorate and the heads of EU states have chosen to turn a deaf ear, in a flagrant manner. Their associates in the European Parliament support them, acting indifferently.

In the forthcoming elections, however, each of us has the power to give our own reply. To change the balance of power that determine the decisions that affect our lives.

On 9 June, without any illusions, we will struggle to take Europe back to where we deserve to be.

We will continue from where we have never stopped, for a Europe of peace, social justice and solidarity.  For a Europe of the peoples.


The government's subtle neutrality in the face of bank huge profits


The problem is that Mr Christodoulides doesn’t understood the problem