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Weber and EPP are among those who, according to Anastasiades, are conspiring and targeting Cyprus

Statement by AKEL-Left-New Forces Parliamentary Representative Yiorgos Loucaides

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 28 February 2019, Nicosia

The government scheme granting passports to investors is a policy that, with its rational use, can bring benefits to the economy. Benefits cease being circumstantial and favouring the few when strict criteria are implemented and when, for example, this policy is linked to the development of economic and business activities in Cyprus of whatever investors.

Unfortunately, the Anastasiades government chose to turn the scheme into an industry granting citizenships, with negative consequences for our society, but also country, which is repeatedly being defamed abroad.

The abuse in the granting of passports coupled indeed with the involvement of the law firm bearing the President’s name, as well as that of other businesses of his close family circle, are worsening Cyprus’ negative image internationally and has already provoked reactions from leading circles of the European Union.

The most recent reaction is that of the European People’s Party, which governing DISY party is a member of, which in a statement it issued demands an end to the issuing of ‘golden passports’ by the Anastasiades government.

The Anastasiades and DISY Governments must reflect on why even their best friends are taking such a position in this way. They must reflect on whether Mr. Weber, who heads the EPP and is being portrayed as their best friend in Europe, is among those who, according to the claim made by Mr. Anastasiades, are conspiring against Cyprus, unfairly targeting our country on the passports issue.

Recently cases have been made public, which add to Cyprus’ negative image as regards the reckless and negligent way with which passports are being issued. One such case was made public yesterday, and concerns a Lebanese businessman who is reportedly facing serious cases of laundering dirty money, financing terrorism and covering up crimes. He was granted a passport of the Republic of Cyprus. Indeed, Mr. Anastasiades himself awarded this specific businessman in December 2017. Furthermore, there are reports in the international press also of a Kenyan businessman who is being prosecuted for tax evasion and who was also granted a Cypriot passport.

Cyprus is exposed internationally, giving the impression of a country in which corruption is welcomed, the passports industry is profitable to the few and damaging to the many, while the Anastasiades-DISY government is feigning indifference and burying its head in the sand over the issue.


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The goal shouldn’t be its management to serve communication tricks, but planning for the development of the reserves in a way that will be beneficial to the Cypriot people