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We need to focus on the root causes of migration

Statement by AKEL Parliamentary Representative G.Loukaides

22 June 2023

Without writing off the criminal responsibility of human traffickers or the instrumentalisation of migrants by some countries, it is important to focus on the root causes of the displacement of people as refugees and migration, AKEL Parliamentary Representative Giorgos Loukaides pointed out in a speech at the Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg, where the work of the 3rd Part of the 2023 Session on the inclusion of refugees and migrants in European societies is continuing.

According to a press release of the House of Representatives, Giorgos Loukaides referring to the tragic deaths of about 600 people in Pylos and the 25,000 lives lost in the Mediterranean Sea over the last decade, G. underlined that the Western powers bear huge responsibilities for the migration issue.

The inclusion of migrants in societies, the Cypriot MP said, is certainly an important aspect, but a holistic approach is necessary, that should take into account all the dimensions of the issue.

In the majority of cases, the AKEL MP noted, the instigation of internal conflicts and the ongoing illegal military interventions against sovereign states, but also the exploitation of the rich resources of developing countries represent the causes and conditions that lead millions of people to leave their countries, while very little has been done to create orderly, dignified and safe routes for those fleeing to Europe.

The AKEL MP subsequently referred to the countries of the Mediterranean South, which have borne a disproportionate responsibility in hosting migrants and deplored the fact that insufficient solidarity has been shown towards these countries, nor has the successful model of the smooth integration of Ukrainian refugees in Europe been followed in relation to the rest of the migrant and refugee population.

Giorgos Loukaides welcomed the recommendations contained in the PACE Resolution for the better integration of refugees and migrants, highlighting the need to protect these people and their right to work, health, housing and education, to promote communication and interaction with local communities and the need to combat all forms of racism, intolerance and discrimination.

The implementation of the above measures, the AKEL Parliamentary Representative pointed out, becomes a particularly difficult task in those countries where fundamental human and social rights are not guaranteed even to a large section of the elderly population.

In no way whatsoever does the above observation, he added, mean that the rights of migrants and refugees should be downgraded.

On the contrary, G.Loukaides concluded, respect for the human and social rights of all people without any exception, especially the most vulnerable, must prevail through the demonstration of humane treatment, solidarity and empathy.


The government appears to fall short of the expectations cultivated by the President of the Republic


The General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL and the Foreign Minister discussed the Cyprus problem and related topical issues