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We need a strong public health system, not hospitals handed over to private interests

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 7th May 2020, Nicosia

Today it was revealed that the American AIMIS Institute is in contact with the Ministry of Defence for the new two-story Military Hospital 106 SNE located in the BMH area of Nicosia to be conceded to it for use. This has been confirmed by the management of the American Institute, while the Ministry of Defence admits that there are sounding outs, but no decision has been made yet.

Such a development would be tantamount to dealing a new blow to our country’s public health system. AKEL expects immediate and clear answers from the government:

  • Does the government have any thoughts or decisions to hand over the new Military Hospital to private interests? If does, on what grounds and by what procedure is it going to proceed to such an action?
  • Can the delivery of a hospital that was completed five years ago and cost Cypriot citizens 2 million euros to private interests be justified in any way?
  • Is delivering public hospitals to the private sector an option for the government?

If this is even in the government’s thoughts, it evidently has not learnt anything from the pandemic ordeal. Our country needs a strong public health system, not hospitals to be handed over to private interests.



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