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They wanted to get rid of the Co-operative Bank

Statement by AKEL Political Bureau member and Head of Economic Policy Charis Polycarpou

28 April 2022, AKEL C.C. P0ress Office, Nicosia

Yesterday’s report released by the Audit Service on the Ministry of Finance reminds us all of the criminal decisions and grave responsibilities of the Anastasiades-DISY party government for the dissolution of the Cyprus Co-operative Bank. Responsibilities that have gone unpunished to date, which is a provocation for society.

The government and ruling DISY party never agreed that the Co-operative Bank was a powerful social gain, which is precisely why they engineered its dissolution.

With illegal decisions, decisions that violated the constitution, the government ruling forces didn’t hesitate, according to the Auditor-General’s report, to mislead even the Attorney-General, with the sole aim of getting rid of the Cooperative Bank.

AKEL supports society’s demand for the re-establishment of the cooperative credit sector and warmly backs the initiative taken by a number of organisations to study the creation of a new Co-operative Bank.


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