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The Working Group Meeting of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 23rd June 2014, Nicosia

The Working Group (WG) of the International Meeting (IM) of the Communist and Workers’ Parties (CWP) convened in Larnaca Cyprus over the weekend on 21-22nd June 2014. AKEL hosted the session. The parties who participated were briefed by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, on the developments surrounding the Cyprus problem. The parties expressed their solidarity with the struggle for the liberation and reunification of Cyprus.

CIMG2301The Working Group took decisions on various issues and discussed the international situation.

The Working Group discussed and decided the following issues relating to the upcoming 16th International Meeting of the CWP to be held in Ecuador:

The 16th International Meeting of the CWP in Ecuador will take place on 13-15th November 2014.

The theme of the 16th International Meeting will be: “The role of Communist and Workers’ Parties in the struggle against imperialism and capitalist exploitation – which causes crises and wars and gives rise to fascist and reactionary forces. For workers’ and peoples’ rights and for national and social emancipation; for socialism!”

The WG exchanged views on the functioning model of the next IM, as well as other relevant issues on the proposal of the Communist Party of Ecuador.

In addition, the WG discussed the issue of the way of functioning and composition of the Working Group of the International Meetings of the CWP. The WG will make a briefing on the progress of the discussions at the upcoming International Meeting.

Furthermore, the WG, having been informed directly by the Communist Party of Ukraine, expressed his solidarity with its struggle, as well as with the struggle of the democratic forces to resist the imperialist intervention and fascism which is raising its head. The Communist Party of Ukraine is facing the prospect of being illegally banned by the Ukrainian authorities.

With their contributions, as well as through their actions in their countries, the parties that participated in the Session denounced the Ukrainian authorities, as well as the double standards that the EU and the U.S. government unashamedly are implementing. All the Parties attending the Session denounced the policy of terror pursued by the Ukrainian authorities. They condemn the activity of the fascist and reactionary forces in the country; forces that are dreaming of the revival of fascism. They denounce the interventions of the U.S and the EU within the framework of their unilateral targeting in order to serve their geo-strategic interests and interventions that bring the danger of war to the region. They denounce the concentration of NATO troops in the region and elsewhere.

The Parties condemn the crimes that have been committed against the people in the country, as well as against organizations that are resisting fascist and illegal acts of repression. The parties call for an immediate end to the military operations of the government in the southeast region of the country, an immediate ceasefire and demand that the possibility be given for peace with the rights of all the people guaranteed. Finally, the parties who sign the declaration state that the right of self-determination belongs to the peoples.

The WG was briefed in detail by the Communist Parties from the region of the Middle East about the evolving situation. The parties who participated in WG are in solidarity with the struggles of the long-suffering peoples of the region.

The WG exchanged views in general on the international situation and was briefed by the parties about domestic developments.

It evaluated the implementation of the common guidelines of action which were approved at the 15th International Meeting that took place in Lisbon.




Intervention of Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, at the Meeting of the Working Group of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties


Intervention of Georgos Loucaides, Member of the Secretariat and Political Bureau of AKEL, on behalf of the European United Left, on the situation in Western Sahara