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The government still hasn’t replied to AKEL’s specific questions

Statement by AKEL Press Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 2 May 2020, Nicosia

Two days before the partial lifting of the restrictive measures is applied, we are still waiting for the government to provide answers to the questions we as AKEL have put:

In relation to the return of public service officials to work and final year graduates to schools, what measures have been taken and what arrangements have been made for compliance with the precautionary measures regarding the presence of many people in the same premises and offices?

What will happen to visits to close relatives? Isn’t it contradictory and paradoxical on the one hand that the operation of public markets, shops, supermarkets ids permitted while visits to relatives are not?

What plans are in place and what does the government intend to do about cultural activity about which the executive power has not said anything?

Together with our questions, we reiterate our appeal, that with the partial lifting of restrictive measures, we must all diligently respect and consistently adhere to the necessary precautions so that we won’t have negative developments.




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