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The Government must ensure that Cyprus has no complicity whatsoever in the bloody slaughter in Gaza


15 January 2024, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

On the occasion of the one hundredth day since the start of the bloody war in the Gaza Strip, millions of protesters around the world, in America, Europe, Israel and elsewhere, have demanded in mass rallies a ceasefire and an end to the genocide of the Palestinians being attempted.

The developments over the last few days have confirmed AKEL’s assessment about an escalation of the situation and the involvement of other forces in the conflict, with extremely negative consequences for the countries of the region, including Cyprus too.

The situation becomes even more dangerous, especially if we take into account what has come to light regarding Cyprus’ involvement in military operations and intelligence gathering.

The Government must protect Cyprus and its people and ensure that our country not only has no complicity whatsoever in the bloody massacre in Gaza, but also that it should demand from every international podium an end to the war and Israel’s compliance with international law and the Resolutions of the United Nations.

AKEL will continue to struggle together with the peace-loving forces for an immediate end to the crimes Israel is committing and to the occupation of Palestinian territories.

AKEL demands an immediate and complete ceasefire and a peaceful and just solution with the creation of an independent Palestinian state on the basis of the Resolutions of the UN.






Greeting by Stefanos Stefanou, General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL at the Concert-Tribute to pianist and composer Nicolas Economou


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