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The government is once again shifting responsibilities elsewhere – when will it take responsibility for something?

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 18th May 2020, Nicosia

The problem that arises from the President of the Republic’s interview yesterday is not whether the title on the newspaper front page was formulated correctly or not. The problem lies with what he says, once again, shifting the responsibility for the situation in education elsewhere, instead of the government and the relevant Ministry taking on their responsibilities.

The government ruling forces blamed “irrelevant nurses” (as they called them) and healthcare workers and professionals for the situation in the health sector. Teachers are blamed for the situation in education. The previous government was to blame for everything else according to the government ruling forces. When will the government that has been in power for 7.5 years take responsibility for something?

  • For the fact that teachers didn’t receive the appropriate training and education on the subjects related to distance learning,
  • For the fact that the responsibility as to why the program purchased in 2016 was not used lies with the Ministry of Education itself, not with teachers.

We recognise that it is through the efforts and initiatives of teachers themselves that the problems in distance learning and communication with school students and their families were solved. It is teacher’s work and conscientiousness that the omissions and lack of coordination on the part of the Ministry of Education were overcome.

That’s what the President of the Republic should have recognised. That’s what he should have said in the interview and that’s precisely what he should acknowledge now.


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