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The energy crisis is mounting, the government does nothing

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas

12 October 2022, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia


The energy crisis is mounting, severely damaging households and small businesses, but the DISY government believes that it has dealt with the issue through certain measures it was forced to take a few months ago. Now, it is sitting idly by, piling hundreds of millions of euros into state coffers from the ongoing price increases. At the same time, the government is blocking the reduction in fuel and electricity taxes approved by Parliament. They do not utter a single word of assertion for Cyprus and Cypriots, not even at an EU level. Evidently, all that remains for the people is the policy promoted by their like-minded forces, like German politician Wolfgang Schäuble, who advised people to “wear two jackets and light candles”, at the same time, of course, as the energy and fuel business giants are multiplying their extraordinary profits.

Evidently there is neither the will, nor any awareness on the part of the DISY government [to do otherwise]. But both solutions and the possibility do exist. Part of the hundreds of millions of euros of windfall state revenues should be allocated immediately to support society. Taxes on electricity and fuel must be reduced, as Parliament has voted – except for the ruling DISY party that is. The taxation of energy companies’ extraordinary profits must proceed, as AKEL proposes.

There are no illusions however that this government will indeed go ahead with these measures and change course. That is precisely why we need to change government. The progressive change in governance with the election of Andreas Mavroyiannis to the presidency of the country can pave the way for the needs of society, working people and the young generation to be served.



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