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The dilemma is clear: continuation of the DISY government or change with Andreas Mavroyiannis


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Giorgos Koukoumas

9 December 2022, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The debate on the 2023 State Budget has highlighted where the country is and where it must go.

The DISY government is delivering a society more unequal than ever before and facing the high cost of living and aggression of the banks. An economy with problems hidden under the carpet. A country disgraced globally because of all the scandals during its decade of rule.

Averof Neofytou, with Charis Georgiades at his side, bluntly reiterated that they want to continue this course on the backs of the people. And the parties supporting the other DISY candidate, Nikos Christodoulides, have now bowed to his line. They have now forgotten what they were saying about the most corrupt government in the history of the country.

The country is at a crossroads: either the DISY government will continue or the way will be paved for change, for a new beginning with Andreas Mavroyiannis as President of the Republic. A new beginning for the people, for the workers, for the new generation.



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