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The collapse of the Public Health system provoked by the government’s policy of imposing austerity and cuts years

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 22 April 2018, Nicosia

The problems witnessed in the Public Health system are now a daily phenomenon. These problems are symptoms of the public health system which is collapsing. The responsibilities of the Anastasiades – DISY government are huge and overwhelming for this situation.

This collapse was provoked by the government’s policy of imposing austerity and cuts which it has been implementing for six consecutive years. The tragic daily reality with long waiting lists, the understaffing at all levels of medical, nursing and other personnel, the professional burnout experienced by staff, the lack of equipment and quality consumables, the loss of personal medical records, the delay in infrastructure works represent the most characteristic proof of the government’s failed policy with regards Health.

AKEL calls on the government at long last to act in a serious manner and to simply stop engaging in managing the situation to serve communication purposes so as to justify the huge problems the Public Health system is facing. Finally, the government must put forth solutions by seriously and decisively promoting the modernization and reorganization of state hospitals in order for the National Health Scheme to be implemented as voted by the House of Representatives.

After six years of the Anastasiades administration in power, the excuse which the government and ruling forces often invoke by shifting responsibilities on others cannot be used, not even for a joke.


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