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Serious implications from the Justice Minister meeting with far-right Israeli Minister Ben-Gvir


10 August 2023, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The choice of the Minister of Justice to meet with Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has serious political implications. Itamar Ben-Gvir is a notorious and provocative right-wing extremist, previously convicted of supporting a terrorist organisation and inciting racism, who is isolated from the democratic world in his own country and internationally. Indeed, because of his views and actions, no official of the EU and its member states have met him since the day he took office. It should be pointed out that last May, the EU Delegation to Israel cancelled an event in Tel Aviv because of Ben-Gvir’s presence and participation.

However, the Minister of Justice of the Christodoulides government chose to meet Ben-Gvir last Tuesday, who is on a private visit to Cyprus, giving him the political legitimacy he does not find internationally. Indeed, it does not go unnoticed that the Minister of Justice chose to point out during their meeting that “it was not just a formal visit” and that “various issues at a political level were discussed”.

AKEL calls on the Christodoulides government to give an answer whether it understands the limits set by democratic principles against such representatives of the far right and toxic intolerance. The government must also give an answer as to whether it understands the political implications of its choice to become the first EU government that has had a meeting with Ben-Gvir.



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