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Statement by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL after the meeting of the Heads of parliamentary parties

13th September 2016, Nicosia

cna_f643b33e1e7ff423aaec4fa2db278df27wefdsdfsThe substantive issue discussed today in the meeting between the heads of the parliamentary parties was the matter of the National Health Scheme (NHS). Brief references were made to other issues. The procedures to be followed for a dialogue to be waged were set out, primarily in the House of Representatives and between the government and the political parties.

Regarding the NHS, decisions have been taken which must be implemented. A final date has been set for the beginning of the GHS, as well as a specific program for the significant interim decisions which must be adopted.

Clearly there are differences in the philosophy on some of the issues that have been discussed today at the meeting. AKEL, based on how better to serve the interests of the Cypriot people, the majority of the people, will state its position on all these issues definitively in the Houseof Representatives.

Before the discussion began on these issues, certain issues were raised by various political parties with regards the Cyprus problem. Since I understand relative statements have been on the issue, I am obliged to put forth AKEL’s position.

We believe that if we all want our country to have a future and a perspective we should be working towards achieving a solution – but not any solution. We insist on a solution that will be based on the agreed principles and we will judge the outcome of the talks with this in mind. That is to say, on the agreed principles, what is defined by the UN resolutions, the High-Level Agreements, International Law and the agreements on which the EU is founded. These are what will guide us in the formulation of our final position on any proposal put before the people of Cyprus.

As regards the procdure of the negotiations itself, we also believe that the ideal situation would be for the documents to be given to the political parties and for the core issues to be discussed. This is precisely what DemetrisChristofias was doing. The ideal situation would be for the National Council to contribute to the reflections, to the formulation of the positions and opinions that the President of the Republic is submitting at the negotiating table. It is obvious, however, that the President does not trust certain parties. Apparently he considers that if the documents are given or if certain discussions take place, things will be leaked to the mass media, undermining his attempt at the negotiations.

We do not give a blank check and a free hand to the President of the Republic. We called on him and do call on him to negotiate the Cyprus problem on the basis of the lomg-standing decisions of the National Council and the agreed framework and will judge him on the basis of the final result.

I consider the attempt on the part of some political parties to divide the people of Cyprus, cultivating fear, as very wrong. We are at a critical and decisive phase. We first , the political parties themselves, must rise to the occasion. We should not operate in a petty-party way. We should show that we really have the necessary composure and the ability to manage the difficult and critical phases. We must judge developments by the final result, if and whether there is a  final result. We, with the given situation that exists currently, do not know which way things will evolve. That is to say whether we will have an agreement or if we will have a breakdown/deadlock. This is why we would do well to wait and see how things develop and make our judgement based on the result that will exist. This is how we will act as a party- thinking about how  best the interests of Cyprus and the Cypriot people are to be served. This is precisley what is guiding us.


Do you think that the President of the Republic is negotiating based on the principles you have decribed?

AK: There are issues on which we disagree, however they are not issues of primary importance.

We believe that the President has not gone beyond the so-called “red lines” of our side so as to justify the position of such intense concerns expressed by various circles. From there onwards, I repeat that AKEL will make its judgement based on the result we will have before us.

I am saying this, as the leader of AKEL. Both AKEL and President Christofias were treated completely differently by Mr. Anastasiades and the ruling DISY party when we were in government. We faced destructive attacks backthen, and not just with regards the Cyprus problem. I do not think we should act in this way, if what we really prioritize primarily in our priorities is how best to serve the interests of our country and people.

I reitterate that this is our own perception and AKEL operated and will continue to operate within this framework.


AKEL Bulletin - September 2016


Statement by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL Andros Kyprianou with regards developments on the Cyprus problem