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Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on the management of solid waste

AKEL C.C Press Office, 11 September 2019, Nicosia

We had a meeting today with the Head of the Delegation of the European Commission in Cyprus Mr. Ierotheos Papadopoulos, and the Head of the European Parliament Office in Nicosia Mr. Andreas Kettis.

We asked to be briefed and exchanged views on the EU’s environmental policies. In particular, we discussed the issue of solid waste management in Cyprus.

It is our conclusion that Cyprus is deviating seriously from the implementation of an overall plan to manage solid waste.

Because of this:

  • We have serious consequences on the environment.
  • Delays and inconsistencies have a severe effect on Cyprus’ economy.
  • Cyprus is in danger having serious fines imposed on it by the EU. The European Commission had warned Cyprus of this danger just last year.

AKEL believes that:

  • We must react to the sloppiness by drawing up a comprehensive plan.
  • We must respond to this mismanagement with transparency and accountability.
  • We must respond to the delays in adhering to the timetables set by being consistent to our commitments.

In addition to today’s meeting with Mr. Papadopoulos and Mr. Kettis, we are also planning further meetings with institutional, state, and grassroots organizations to promote comprehensive policies with regards the management of solid waste.

Through our policies and actions we defend the interests of Cyprus, the environment and the people’s quality of life.


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